Extended Family vs. Immediate Family - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Extended Family vs. Immediate Family - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Extended Family vs. Immediate Family - By JenniferESL

00:00 Hi , I'm jennifer from english with jennifer and I'd
00:04 like to share a lesson to help you learn english
00:06 vocabulary and understand american culture a little better thanksgiving is
00:12 a time when we gather with family sadly my family
00:17 is so spread out that we can't easily gather for
00:20 holidays . My relatives don't just live in different towns
00:24 or even different states . They live in different countries
00:28 thankfully I have some things in my home that makes
00:31 me feel closer to family . For example , I
00:36 have serving dishes from my grandmother like this one and
00:41 this one when I see them and use them .
00:45 I think of all the thanksgiving dinners we had with
00:48 family around the table . My extended family is quite
00:52 large . Mhm Do you know what I mean by
00:56 extended family in this lesson , we'll go beyond basic
01:00 family vocabulary and we'll talk about different branches on your
01:04 family tree . Yeah . Yeah . Mm . When
01:14 you're a kid , your immediate family is your parents
01:17 and your siblings . Some call this the nuclear family
01:21 . I think sometimes the words are interchangeable nuclear family
01:25 immediate family . But what I understand is that the
01:28 nuclear family is under one roof . The household of
01:32 a nuclear family consists of the parents and the Children
01:36 . My concept of immediate family is a bit bigger
01:42 as adults . Many of us get married and have
01:45 Children . You could say that my nuclear family now
01:48 is my husband and our Children . But when I
01:51 think of immediate family , I still include my parents
01:55 and my brothers . Does that make sense ? But
01:59 those relatives are not necessarily considered immediate family for my
02:04 Children . For them , their immediate family is me
02:10 , my husband , their father and each other get
02:14 it . You hear the term immediate family in the
02:20 context of rules and policies . For example , at
02:24 a hospital , a very sick patient would be allowed
02:27 to receive visits only from immediate family and at work
02:32 , you would be allowed to take off a certain
02:34 number of days for a family emergency , That's a
02:38 kind of emergency that concerns immediate family . Not some
02:42 distant cousin , extended family refers to relatives outside the
02:49 nuclear family , grandparents , aunts , uncles , cousins
02:55 , all those more distant branches on your family tree
02:58 are part of your extended family . Did you know
03:04 your great grandparents ? Maybe you're fortunate enough to still
03:07 have them around today ? I knew my great grandmother
03:11 , she was my grandfather's mother and she came to
03:15 the U . S . From hungry . She married
03:17 my great grandfather , who came from Serbia . My
03:21 great grandparents on my grandmother's side were from Poland and
03:25 they didn't live long enough for me to meet them
03:28 . Obviously I didn't have the chance to meet my
03:31 great great grandparents . I met my paternal grandparents ,
03:35 my father's parents because they visited us from the Philippines
03:39 when I was a child . Note how we can
03:44 use these phrases to clarify which part of the family
03:48 tree were referring to . On my mother's side ,
03:53 on my father's side , my maternal grandparents , my
03:58 paternal grandparents . Now this is where it gets a
04:05 little confusing . Who is the sister of your grandmother
04:10 or grandfather ? That's your great aunt , Some say
04:15 grand aunt , but I don't hear that too much
04:18 . I knew at least two of my great aunt
04:21 on my mother's side , my grandmother's brother needed regular
04:26 care . So he lived with my grandparents who was
04:30 he . To me , he was my great uncle
04:34 and I was his grand niece . My brothers were
04:37 his grand nephews . You will also hear great knees
04:41 and great nephew . Same thing . Just remember that
04:45 we use great to indicate that we're one generation removed
04:49 from that person . We add on another great for
04:53 each generation . Can you name your great great grandparents
05:01 ? Do you know how I called my relatives and
05:03 childhood forms of address vary from family to family ,
05:07 especially in intercultural marriages . I called my grandparents on
05:12 my mother's side , grandma and grandpa up . I
05:15 called my grandparents on my father's side , Lola and
05:19 Lolo . My great uncle was uncle Jim , my
05:23 great aunt was and Kasia . And note how I
05:26 said aunt in american english , you can say aunt
05:31 or aunt . I just happened to say aunt ,
05:34 my aunt Kasia , my Children call my husband's mother
05:39 babushka . Their grandmother is in Russia . What do
05:45 you call your grandparents ? How do you address aunts
05:48 and uncles ? My father immigrated from the Philippines so
05:54 I didn't get to know his side of the family
05:56 to , well I did get the chance to meet
05:59 most of his sisters . They were and are my
06:02 aunts on my mother's side . I didn't have any
06:06 answer uncles because she was an only child . But
06:12 my grandmother came from a very large family and her
06:16 siblings had Children . So my mother and I had
06:19 lots of cousins growing up . A first cousin is
06:25 the child of an aunt or an uncle . 2nd
06:28 cousins share great grandparents . Think about that for a
06:33 moment . My grandmother had one child , my mother
06:39 , my grandmother's sister , my aunt , Kasia also
06:43 had Children . Those Children were first cousins to my
06:47 mother , their Children and I share a set of
06:51 great grandparents . So we're second cousins , at least
06:55 that's how I understand it when it gets really confusing
06:59 , which is called people cousins . I have a
07:02 lot of cousins back in pennsylvania , my home state
07:07 . You can get into third cousins when you start
07:10 talking about Children of second cousins . But if it
07:13 gets too confusing than just call people cousins or simply
07:17 family , you can call relatives family , you're related
07:24 . They're part of your extended family . When we
07:29 can't remember exactly how we're related , we sometimes refer
07:32 to someone as a distant cousin . You know that
07:35 you're related by blood , sometimes you'll hear once removed
07:42 or twice removed . This refers to how far apart
07:45 you are in generations . My mother's first cousin and
07:51 I became quite close . She is my first cousin
07:54 . Once removed . For my Children , she is
07:57 their first cousin . Twice removed . They simply think
08:00 of her as a cousin . It's simpler that way
08:06 . Let's not forget about in laws . When you
08:09 get married , you marry into another family . My
08:13 husband's parents are my in laws . My mother in
08:16 law and father in law were able to attend our
08:19 wedding because we got married in Russia . My husband
08:23 has a sister . She is my sister in law
08:26 , and my brothers became my husband's brothers in law
08:32 . Note these plural forms mothers in law , fathers
08:37 in law , sisters in law , brothers in law
08:45 . But to talk about the mother and father of
08:47 your spouse , you can simply say in laws ,
08:51 for example , we're spending thanksgiving with my in laws
08:56 or my in laws are visiting this weekend In modern
09:02 society . We have different kinds of families . 2nd
09:05 and third marriages are fairly common . So we have
09:09 blended families . That's when two families become one ,
09:13 a couple gets married and they bring with them Children
09:17 from a previous marriage . The ex husband or ex
09:22 wife are no longer immediate family to the person who
09:26 got remarried in a blended family or in a second
09:31 marriage . We can talk about step parents and step
09:34 Children , stepmother , stepfather , stepsister , stepbrother .
09:42 When you think about parents and siblings and cousins of
09:46 a stepmother or stepfather , it gets a little confusing
09:50 . You can explain that someone isn't a blood relation
09:53 there not a blood relative , but they're still family
09:57 . You can be related by birth or by marriage
10:03 . The funny thing is that we can be very
10:05 close to someone who isn't a blood relative , but
10:09 they're like family . We say she's like a sister
10:12 to me . I consider him family . Here are
10:18 a couple more words . You need to know .
10:20 What do we call to Children who share only one
10:24 parent . They're half brothers and half sisters . For
10:32 fun and for practice , talk about your family .
10:35 See how many people you can name on your family
10:38 tree . Use vocabulary from this lesson . Here's a
10:44 quick quiz You can answer in the comments , Who
10:49 is your mother's new husband ? Who is your grandmother's
10:56 brother ? Who is your aunt's son ? Who is
11:05 your wife's sister ? Who is the son of your
11:12 father and stepmother ? Who was your great uncle's granddaughter
11:21 ? Mm . Mhm . What's a blended family ?
11:29 Yeah . Name . two different ways . People can
11:33 be related . That's all for now . I hope
11:39 you found this lesson useful and interesting . Please like
11:43 and share the video with others . Learning english as
11:46 always . Thanks for watching and Happy Studies . Mhm
11:55 mm . Follow me and gain more practice on facebook
12:00 and twitter . I also have new videos on instagram
12:04 if you haven't already subscribe to my channel so you
12:08 get notification of every new video I upload to Youtube
12:13 . Yeah . Yeah .



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