Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (10-12) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (10-12) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (10-12) - By JenniferESL

00:0-1 Hi everyone . I'm jennifer from english with jennifer .
00:04 You may know that I'm a mother of two .
00:07 My son and daughter are teenagers now . So if
00:10 you first saw them when they were toddlers , you'd
00:13 be surprised to see how big they are . Kids
00:16 truly grow up fast . My Children got older and
00:20 well . So did I . Yeah . What ?
00:24 Yeah . Yeah , grow up is intransitive and it
00:31 means to become older but it's more than a judge
00:34 . It's also about becoming more mature . So when
00:38 someone behaves immature lee , you may hear the criticism
00:42 grow up . Do you know As my Children grew
00:47 up , they began to learn things even faster than
00:50 me . This is true about technology . They can
00:53 set up a new phone or a new tablet quite
00:56 easily . In contrast , I tend to have a
01:00 frustrating experience when I set up a new computer .
01:03 It's hard to arrange everything we can use set up
01:09 for putting things in order or getting some piece of
01:13 technology ready for use . This is a transitive phrase
01:17 , a verb and inseparable set up a computer ,
01:21 set it up . An administrative assistant can set up
01:27 a meeting when you first start on social media you
01:31 have to set up an account . You have to
01:34 create it and get all the details in order .
01:39 I guess one more meaning before I film a new
01:43 video , I have to set up my equipment .
01:50 The answer is c install . It's like getting things
01:54 ready for use but we're talking about something physical set
01:59 up equipment , set up a tripod , set up
02:03 , folding chairs and tables . Do you know that
02:08 my kids were on instagram before I was they had
02:12 to help me set up my account and make my
02:14 first post . They turned out to be a good
02:17 source of information . They proved to have the knowledge
02:21 I needed to get started . Turnout is intransitive and
02:27 it's used in both spoken and written english . It
02:30 means that someone or something proves to be a certain
02:34 way or a situation happens a certain way . They
02:41 turned out to be helpful . Things turned out well
02:47 it turned out that they could give me all the
02:49 help I needed . Can you think of a situation
02:56 that turned out differently from what you expected ? Was
03:00 it a pleasant or unpleasant surprise ? Sometimes we set
03:05 things up carefully thinking we've prepared for every possibility but
03:10 still something ruins our plans . In that case we
03:14 just have to handle the situation as best we can
03:18 . A child may cry over a ruined party but
03:21 a grown up knows how to handle difficulties . Let
03:27 me point out how we sometimes form compound noun and
03:31 modifiers from phrase all verbs . Can you complete these
03:36 sentences with the correct compound words ? I'll go back
03:40 and use some of the phrase . All verbs from
03:42 earlier lessons . Yeah . Mhm . One when Children
04:02 grow up they become grown ups . two If you
04:08 need help setting up software then you need help with
04:12 setup . Three airports allow you to pick someone up
04:19 right outside the terminal . That's why they have pick
04:22 up zones . Yeah . Mm . Yeah . Yeah
04:36 . Yeah . Yeah . Mhm . Yeah . For
04:45 parents who hear about weird things going on in a
04:48 classroom would likely complain to the principal about unusual goings
04:52 on five . If you want to transport a couch
04:58 or a bed to a new home , it helps
05:00 if you know someone with a pickup six at 15
05:07 . Matty was ready for a grown up conversation with
05:10 her parents about her future . We've now covered the
05:18 12 most common phrase . All verbs in English .
05:21 Have you found out anything new ? Are you picking
05:24 up the meanings as well as the grammar ? Remember
05:27 to learn both the definitions and the uses of each
05:30 phrase , a verb we'll end here , please like
05:34 and share this video if you found it useful as
05:37 always . Thanks for watching and Happy Studies . Youtube
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05:53 recorded member only live streams , click the join button
05:57 today . Mhm . Follow me on facebook twitter and
06:02 instagram and don't forget to subscribe , turn on those
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Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (10-12) is a free educational video by JenniferESL.

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