Double-Digit Addition for Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Double-Digit Addition for Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Double-Digit Addition for Kids - By Homeschool Pop

00:01 wow ! Right here . Right now we are going
00:08 to learn something exciting called double digit edition . You
00:12 may have already seen our basic edition video . In
00:17 that video , we learned that audition means putting numbers
00:20 together . We learned about this lady named Sally who
00:24 collects golf balls , Let's say sadly starts her day
00:29 off with two golf balls . Cool . And then
00:32 she finds another golf ball . So now we get
00:35 to find out how many she has in total .
00:38 She had two and now she's got another one .
00:41 How many golf balls does she have ? This is
00:44 addition to plus one . Can you add those up
00:51 ? What's two plus one ? Uh Three . Awesome
00:57 . Thank you . Let's look at one more example
01:00 of basic edition . Before we get into the double
01:03 digit edition , let's say Later on in the day
01:08 , Sally has five golf balls and then she finds
01:12 two more that are just sitting there just sitting there
01:16 so she can add the two golf balls to the
01:19 five that she already has . Remember addition is putting
01:24 numbers together . 5-plus 2 equals what Here's a hint
01:30 . You can count these golf balls up and get
01:33 the answer . Mhm Yeah 75 plus two equals seven
01:42 . You are doing a tremendous job . These are
01:45 examples of single digit edition . But what if we
01:51 need to add bigger numbers ? Mm let's say there's
01:57 this kid named Travis . Travis . Travis collects these
02:04 , what are these called ? Mhm Uh huh marbles
02:08 . Travis collects marbles . Yeah Travis had a lot
02:15 of marbles . He had 54 marbles but today is
02:18 his birthday and someone just gave him 21 more marbles
02:23 , wow . And now he wants to know how
02:26 many marbles do I have ? I had 54 And
02:30 now I have 21 more that are in my collection
02:35 . How many marbles do I have ? That's the
02:38 question that Travis has . What's 54 plus 21 Now
02:47 , here's the deal Travis , you could count each
02:50 of the marbles one by one to figure out exactly
02:54 how many you have now , but that would take
02:59 a long time . Look at all of these marbles
03:03 . There has to be a better way . In
03:05 fact , there is , there's a way that is
03:07 super fast and super fun . We can add 54
03:14 and 21 together by doing a fun trick . We'll
03:17 turn these big numbers that are difficult to add on
03:20 their own into smaller numbers . What you will do
03:23 is you will add the numbers to the right right
03:26 here . Which are the ones To make it easier
03:29 . We're going to block the 10 spot for right
03:31 now with this nifty blue rectangle . Suddenly this huge
03:36 big edition problem has turned into a simple fun edition
03:40 game . So we add the right spot , the
03:42 one spot together . What is four plus one ?
03:48 Yes , four plus one equals five . So we'll
03:51 write five under the four and the one awesome job
03:55 . We're halfway done already . Next , we will
04:01 add the tens together . The 10 spot is to
04:04 the left . The two numbers in the 10 spot
04:07 are the five . And to to make it easier
04:10 , we're going to block the one spot with another
04:13 blue rectangle because we already added the one spot up
04:17 . What is 5-plus 2 ? Yeah . Uh huh
04:23 . Five plus two equals seven . So we will
04:26 write seven under the five and the two . So
04:32 what is our answer ? What is 54 plus 21
04:36 ? Uh You can see it right here , 75
04:40 . 54 plus 21 equals 75 . Yeah . The
04:47 answer to an addition problem is called the some our
04:51 some is 75 . It's simple with double digit edition
05:00 . You add the right side , the ones together
05:02 first . Let's figure out what 30 plus 12 is
05:06 first . What is zero plus two ? Yes ,
05:11 zero plus two is too So well , right up
05:14 to under the right side . The one side we've
05:18 almost arrived at our answer already . Then we add
05:24 the left side . The tends to get our answer
05:26 . What is one plus three , yep , one
05:32 plus three equals four . So the some of this
05:38 edition problem is 40-30 plus 12 equals 42 . Let's
05:48 try a different type of addition problem . 33 plus
05:52 six . This is an interesting one because 33 is
05:56 a double digit number but the number six is a
05:59 single digit number . But we use the same fun
06:02 trick as before . First we add up the ones
06:08 what is three plus six ? Uh three plus six
06:15 equals nine . So we write nine here under the
06:18 ones next let's add up the tens but there's only
06:26 one number in the 10 spot . So what do
06:29 you get if you add nothing to three ? Uh
06:33 you get three . Yeah . So what is our
06:38 some ? Yes . Our some is 39 . Yeah
06:46 . How are we doing ? Double digit edition is
06:49 pretty cool , isn't it ? Now we are going
06:51 to talk about something special . Really special special .
06:57 Like seeing an outlet . A little baby . I'm
07:00 looking at you , looking at your eyes . So
07:03 kids . So cute . So special . So what
07:09 is this special thing we are about to learn ?
07:13 Well sometimes something sneaky happens . Let's show you .
07:19 Let's say we are adding 17 plus 15 . We
07:24 of course start with the right side adding up the
07:27 ones first . So what is seven plus five ?
07:30 Do you know ? Seven plus five ? Yeah .
07:35 Seven plus five equals 12 . That's right but there's
07:39 only enough room for one digit under the seven and
07:43 the five . So what do you do ? Well
07:48 we do a super cool move called regrouping . Regrouping
07:53 . Regrouping is awesome . Remember the some of our
08:00 ones column is 12 . 7 plus five equals 12
08:04 . So we have to regroup the number 12 .
08:06 But what does that mean ? What does regrouping even
08:09 do ? Well regrouping splits the digits and puts them
08:16 in different places . Now that might sound weird but
08:19 we're going to show you how it works . It's
08:21 super simple and fun . Yeah Regrouping the number 12
08:28 is easy . All we do is split the digits
08:31 , putting the two under the ones and carrying the
08:34 one with the tens up here . That's it .
08:40 Then we add up to the tens what is one
08:44 plus one plus one ? Yeah one plus one plus
08:49 one equals three . So we write three under the
08:53 tens . And now we have our answer . 17
08:57 plus 15 equals 32 . 32 is our some Remember
09:09 regrouping is only used when there is a double digit
09:13 number , but there's only space for one digit .
09:16 Like our example seven plus five equals 12 , but
09:20 there wasn't enough room for both numbers , so we
09:22 keep the two under the ones and carry the one
09:26 to the tens . Hey , let's practice by playing
09:31 a game . The game is called . Do we
09:34 need to regroup ? This is probably the most exciting
09:39 double digit edition game ever hosted by our very own
09:46 Mr Whiskers . Thanks for helping us out . Uh
09:52 You're not you're not going to help us out .
09:54 Okay . Okay . Now now this is embarrassing .
09:59 Okay , fine . Okay . All right . That's
10:03 okay . That's alright . That's alright . Okay .
10:06 Okay . All right , well , we are going
10:11 to look at double digit edition problems and you are
10:15 going to let us know do we need to regroup
10:18 ? Here is our first problem , 32 plus 19
10:25 . You already know the question when we add 32
10:30 and 19 . Do we need to regroup ? Yeah
10:35 . Mm . Mhm mm . Yes , because two
10:41 plus nine equals 11 , which is a double digit
10:45 number . Remember the first step we take is adding
10:49 up the ones , But if the sum is a
10:51 double digit number , that means we need to regroup
10:55 . Great job . Yeah . Let's go ahead and
11:01 finish the problem . When we regroup , we split
11:05 the digits , so the first one gets carried in
11:08 the second number , in this case . Also the
11:11 number one stays down under the ones . Then we
11:15 just add up the tents . What is one plus
11:18 three plus one ? Mhm Uh huh . Five .
11:23 So 32 plus 19 equals 51 . And yes ,
11:29 we did have to regroup . Mhm . Here is
11:35 our 2nd 1 . 56 plus 22 . This is
11:39 the question when we add 56 22 do we need
11:43 to regroup ? Mhm . Mhm . Mhm . No
11:53 , because six plus two equals eight and eight is
11:57 a single digit number that can fit under the ones
12:00 . Remember the first step we take is adding up
12:04 the ones . And since the sum is a single
12:06 digit number already , we do not need to regroup
12:10 . Fantastic . Mm . Mhm . Let's go ahead
12:15 and finish the problem . So when we added up
12:17 the ones our son was eight , we'll put the
12:20 eight under the ones . Then we just add up
12:23 the tens , what is five plus two ? Uh
12:28 huh . Seven . And we have our answer 56
12:33 plus 22 equals 78 . And no , we did
12:37 not have to regroup . Mhm mm . Here is
12:44 our next 1 , 34 plus 25 . This is
12:49 the question . When we add 34 and 25 ,
12:53 do we need to regroup ? Mhm mm . The
13:03 answer is no because four plus five equals nine and
13:08 nine is a single digit number that can fit under
13:10 the ones . Remember the first step we take is
13:13 adding up the ones . And since the sum is
13:16 a single digit number already , we do not need
13:19 to regroup . Well done . Let's go ahead and
13:25 finish the problem . Just for fun . So when
13:28 we added up the ones our son was nine ,
13:30 we'll put the nine under the ones . Then we
13:33 just add up the tens , what is three plus
13:37 two ? Uh five . And we have our answer
13:42 34 plus 25 equals 59 . And no , we
13:47 did not have to regroup . Mm This is our
13:57 last one . You have been doing great . 43
14:00 plus 37 . You already know the question . When
14:03 we add 43 and 37 do we need to regroup
14:09 ? Yeah . Mhm . Yes . Because three plus
14:16 seven equals 10 . Which is a double digit number
14:19 . Remember the first step we take is adding up
14:22 the ones . But if the sum is a double
14:25 digit number , that means we need to regroup .
14:29 Wonderful . Mm . Mhm . Let's go ahead and
14:35 finish the problem . When we regroup , we split
14:38 the digits . So the number one gets carried .
14:41 And the second number in this case the number zero
14:44 stays down under the ones . Then we just add
14:47 up the tents . What is one plus four plus
14:51 three ? Uh huh . Eight . So 43 plus
14:58 37 equals 80 . And yes , we did have
15:02 to regroup . Mm We've had such a great time
15:08 in this video . We have learned so much about
15:10 double digit edition . Two of the biggest things we
15:14 learned is how it works . We add the ones
15:16 first , the right side and then add the tens
15:20 the left side . We also learned about something special
15:24 called regrouping and how we need to regroup the sum
15:28 of a column . If it is a double digit
15:31 number , it was a blast having you with us
15:40 . If you have questions , want to say hello
15:42 or want to let us know how you did comment
15:45 below . It would be a lot of fun to
15:48 hear from you for now . We hope you had
15:50 a great time and that you will keep learning with
15:53 us . We have hundreds of learning videos waiting for
15:56 you . This is the end . But don't cry
16:04 . You know , there's a circle in the middle
16:05 of screen that's popping up . You can click that
16:08 to subscribe if you haven't already . And there are
16:10 two special videos that you can check out . You
16:14 can just go straight to those or , you know
16:16 , do whatever you want , you know , an
16:18 internet land , but why not learn more ? We
16:20 have so many more videos . All right . So
16:23 we hope to see you there , okay .



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