Exponents | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Exponents | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Exponents | MathHelp.com - By MathHelp.com

00:0-1 to simplify this problem . We must apply all of
00:03 the different exponent rules that we've learned in this chapter
00:07 . First we apply the power rule for each set
00:10 of parentheses in the numerator to simplify negative two extra
00:15 third Y squared . Think of why as why to
00:19 the first and square the coefficient of negative to to
00:24 get positive for . And multiply each of our exponents
00:29 by two to get X to the sixth , Y
00:32 squared . This is all multiplied by negative X .
00:37 Y to the 4th Cube . And think of the
00:39 negative as negative one and X as X to the
00:44 first . So we cube are coefficient of negative one
00:49 which is negative one times negative one times negative one
00:52 or negative one . And multiply each of our exponents
00:58 by three to get X to the third , Y
01:02 to the 12 . In our denominator we take our
01:08 coefficient of three to the fourth power , which is
01:11 three times three times three times three or 81 And
01:17 multiply each of the exponents by 4 to get X
01:21 to the 8th . Why to the 20th . Next
01:27 we apply our product rule across the numerator , multiplying
01:32 the two coefficients , we get negative four . But
01:38 remember that the product rule states that when multiplying powers
01:42 that have the same base , we add their exponents
01:46 . So we have X to the six times X
01:48 to the third , which is actually six plus three
01:51 Or X to the 9th . Why Square Times why
01:55 the 12 is why the two plus 12 Or Y
01:59 to the 14th . So we have negative four X
02:03 . The ninth . White of the 14th over 81
02:06 . X to the eighth . Why to the 20th
02:11 . Finally we apply our quotient rule and remember that
02:14 the quotient rule states that when you're dividing powers that
02:18 have the same base simply subtract their exponents . So
02:23 we have our coefficients of negative 4/81 . And for
02:30 our exes , we take 9 -8 , which is
02:34 one . So we have X to the first or
02:37 X . And notice that for our wise the exponent
02:42 in the denominator is greater than the exponents in the
02:45 numerator . In this situation we still take the difference
02:49 between our exponents , which is six , but the
02:53 Y to the 6th goes in the denominator of your
02:58 answer .



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