Difference of Two Squares | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Difference of Two Squares | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Difference of Two Squares | MathHelp.com - By MathHelp.com

00:0-1 Here's the way I like to think through these factoring
00:02 problems involving the difference of two squares . First ,
00:07 make sure that you're dealing with a perfect square minus
00:12 a perfect square . In this case we are .
00:16 So this binomial will factor as the product of to
00:22 buy no meals . The first binomial will have a
00:27 plus in the middle , the second , binomial will
00:31 have a minus in the middle . In the first
00:34 position will be the factors of X square that are
00:37 the same , so X times X In the second
00:43 position will be the factors of 1:44 that are the
00:47 same . 12 times 12 . X plus 12 times
00:55 X minus 12 . Is your answer a factored version
00:59 of X squared minus 1 44 . It's important to
01:03 be able to recognize your perfect squares like 1 44
01:08 . You might want to go back and review the
01:10 perfect squares for the numbers one through 16 .



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