Lines of Symmetry | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Lines of Symmetry | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Lines of Symmetry | - By

00:0-1 In each of the following figures were asked to determine
00:03 whether the dashed line is a line of symmetry .
00:07 A line of symmetry divides a figure into two parts
00:11 , such that each part is the mirror image of
00:14 the other . In other words , if we flip
00:17 one side of the figure over the line of symmetry
00:20 , it should match up exactly with the other side
00:24 . So in part a notice that if we flip
00:27 the top side of the figure over the line of
00:29 symmetry , it matches up exactly with the other side
00:34 . Therefore our answer is yes , the dash line
00:38 is a line of symmetry in part B notice that
00:43 if we flip the right side of the figure over
00:45 the line of symmetry , it does not match up
00:48 exactly because the second B would then be backwards .
00:52 Therefore , our answer is no , the dash line
00:56 is not a line of symmetry .



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