Estimating Quotients | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Estimating Quotients | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Estimating Quotients | - By

00:0-1 to estimate the quotient of 3785 divided by 413 .
00:06 We first round so that each number contains only one
00:10 non zero digit . So rounding 3785 to the nearest
00:15 1000 the seven to the right of the rounding place
00:18 tells us to round up . So 3785 rounds up
00:23 to 4000 . Rounding 413 to the nearest 100 .
00:31 The one to the right of the rounding place tells
00:33 us to round down . So 413 rounds down to
00:37 400 . So we have 4000 divided by 400 or
00:45 400 , divided into 4000 . Yeah , just like
00:53 a multiplication problem , a division problem becomes easier if
00:57 our numbers end in zeros since 404,000 , both end
01:01 in two zeros , we can cancel the last two
01:05 zeros in each number . So our problem now reads
01:08 four divided into 40 Dividing for into 40 . We
01:13 can see that four divides into 4 . 1 time
01:16 one times four is four . So we put four
01:19 under four and subtract 4 -4 is zero . Next
01:25 we bring down the zero to get zero . Four
01:28 divides in 200 times zero times four is zero .
01:34 So we put zero under zero and subtract zero minus
01:38 zero is zero , So 4000 divided by 400 is
01:42 10 , which means that 3,785 divided by 413 is
01:48 approximately 10 .


This lesson covers commutative property of multiplication, which states that a x b = b x a. For example, 10 x 4 = 4 x 10.


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