Customary Unit Conversions | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Customary Unit Conversions | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Customary Unit Conversions | - By

00:0-1 In this example it's important to understand that L .
00:03 B . Stands for pounds and O . Z .
00:06 Stands for ounces . So we're asked to convert £3
00:10 into ounces which means we use the conversion factor for
00:13 pounds and ounces which is 16 ounces equals £1 .
00:23 Next notice that we're converting from a larger unit pounds
00:27 to a smaller unit ounces . When converting from a
00:40 larger unit to a smaller unit . We multiply yeah
00:47 . Mhm . So we multiply three times 16 Which
00:57 gives us 48 . So £3 equals 48 oz .
01:03 Which makes sense . It's important to remember the following
01:07 rule when converting from a larger unit to a smaller
01:11 unit , we multiply .


This lesson covers complex numbers. Students learn that a complex number is the sum or difference of a real number and an imaginary number and can be written in a + bi form. For example, 1 + 2i and -- 5 - i root 7 are complex numbers. Students then learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers that do not contain radicals, such as (5 + 3i) / (6 - 2i). To divide (5 + 3i) / (6 - 2i), the first step is to multiply both the numerator and denominator of the fraction by the conjugate of the denominator, which is (6 + 2i), then FOIL in both the numerator and denominator, and combine like terms.


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