Grit in Language Learning - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Grit in Language Learning - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Grit in Language Learning - By

00:00 what is grip and how can I help you learn
00:03 ? English grit is the determination to reach your goals
00:07 even when there are difficulties . Listen to this conversation
00:13 between two English students and think about which of the
00:15 students behaviors show grit . Hey , how did you
00:20 do on the vocabulary quiz ? I missed some questions
00:24 , but that's okay . I talked to the teacher
00:27 after class and she helped me understand my mistakes .
00:29 I'm sure I'll do better on the next quiz .
00:32 How did you do ? I made a lot of
00:35 mistakes . English is just too hard for me .
00:39 I can't pass the quizzes . I'm sure you can
00:42 with more practice . Why don't you come to the
00:45 english club with me after school ? I always get
00:47 a lot of practice speaking there . I don't think
00:51 I should go . I make a lot of mistakes
00:53 when I speak and then I get embarrassed . It's
00:57 okay to make mistakes and you practice . That's how
01:00 we learn . Mhm . So which student do you
01:03 think showed great click pause and put the following behaviors
01:09 into the two categories below gritty and not gritty .
01:15 Okay . How have you shown grit while learning english
01:30 ? Yeah , this is american english . Thank you
01:34 for watching .



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