Linking - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Linking - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Linking - By American English

00:0-1 Hello , I'm Sammy and this is part 3 of
00:08 the connected speech series connected speech is used when you're
00:12 speaking quickly and casually and it helps your american english
00:17 sound more natural . Today we'll discuss linking linking means
00:23 combining the sounds from the end of one word to
00:26 the beginning of the next word . American english speakers
00:30 naturally link sounds together to avoid pauses in fluid speech
00:35 . So practicing linking can help your american english sound
00:38 more fluent . There are two main types of linking
00:42 consonant vowel linking and vowel . A vowel linking continent
00:49 vowel linking occurs when one word ends with a consonant
00:53 sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound
00:57 . When this happens , we pronounce the words as
01:01 if the consonant sound has moved from the end of
01:04 the first word to the beginning of the next word
01:08 . For example look up is pronounced , look up
01:14 , turn on , the light becomes turn on the
01:18 light , that's an umbrella becomes that's an umbrella vowel
01:26 vowel linking occurs when one word ends in a vowel
01:30 sound and the next word begins with a vowel .
01:34 You add a yeah sound or a sound in between
01:39 the vowel sound at the end of the first word
01:41 and the vowel at the beginning of the second word
01:45 . So how do you know whether to add a
01:47 ? Yeah or what ? Let's find out if a
01:51 word ends in the sounds E , yeah , A
01:56 I or Oy . And the next word begins with
02:00 a vowel . The two words are linked with the
02:03 sound . For example , stay out is pronounced like
02:08 stay out linking words with yeah happens even if there
02:13 isn't a Y . In the spelling he asked is
02:17 pronounced like he asked , sigh of relief , is
02:24 sigh of relief . If a word ends in the
02:28 sounds uh mm oh or how ? And the next
02:35 word begins with a vowel . Then the two words
02:38 are linked with What for example how are you is
02:43 pronounced like how are you again linking words with the
02:48 one sound happens even if there isn't a W letter
02:53 in the spelling for example go inside is pronounced like
02:59 go inside 2 other people becomes to other people .
03:08 Let's practice . Pay attention to the underlined words in
03:12 the following story and practice using consonant vowel linking and
03:17 vowel vowel linking . Press pause at each screen to
03:22 go at your own pace . Mm . Sammy met
03:55 her friends at the outdoor cafe . Can I have
03:59 a slice of pizza ? Sami asked they ordered the
04:03 food but when it arrived Sammy got a whole pizza
04:08 . Not just a slice . Her friends chanted do
04:13 wit eat it . Sammy ate the entire pizza by
04:18 herself . And they all cheered . That's it for
04:21 now . Next time we'll practice T . And D
04:25 tapping . This is when the T sound gets pronounced
04:28 like a D . Like in the word butter .
04:32 This is american english . Thanks for watching


Learn about linking in American English. Linking helps English language learners sound more natural with their casual spoken English.


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