Collocations Review - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Collocations Review - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Collocations Review - By

00:0-1 Yeah . Do you make time to read every day
00:03 ? How often do you read ? Listen to this
00:06 conversation about literature and learn about some kel occassions .
00:11 Notice the car allocations and blue . Hi , anne
00:16 , I saved you a seat . Thanks . What
00:20 book are you reading ? It's a graphic novel .
00:24 I'm taking a break from work . That's cool .
00:28 I like graphic novels to what do you need to
00:31 work on ? I'm writing a lesson about poetry for
00:35 my online literature class . We're reading this poetry collection
00:39 . I'll get started soon . What are you going
00:42 to work on ? I need to do some writing
00:46 and then I want to download some books from the
00:48 library . I'm trying to make time to read every
00:51 night besides graphic novels . What do you like to
00:55 read ? I like reading newspapers , magazines and other
01:00 media to pass the time , but I like reading
01:02 short stories too . Mhm . Yeah . So what
01:07 are complications occur ? Allocation is a group of words
01:11 that often occur together . There were some examples in
01:15 the conversation we just listened to . Mhm . To
01:18 save someone A seat means to reserve a seat for
01:21 someone to take a break , means to stop working
01:26 on something to rest , to get started , means
01:30 to start doing something to make , time , means
01:35 to reserve time to do something to pass the time
01:40 , means to make time go faster by doing an
01:42 activity . What do you like to read to pass
01:46 the time ? This is american english . Thank you
01:51 for watching .


When you take a break, do you like to read? What genres of literature do you enjoy most? This video features a conversation about reading and reviews some common collocations in English.


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