Student Motivation - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Student Motivation - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Student Motivation - By

00:0-1 how can teachers keep students motivated and online classrooms ?
00:04 What is the Arcs model ? Listen to this conversation
00:09 and learn about strategies for improving student motivation . Thanks
00:16 for taking my call . I wanted to ask for
00:18 your advice , of course , the online class I'm
00:23 teaching isn't going so well right now . I feel
00:27 like my students are less motivated than they were at
00:30 the beginning of the semester . That's happened to me
00:34 before to to help with student motivation . I started
00:39 using the A . R . C . S .
00:40 Model for the attention , relevance , confidence and satisfaction
00:45 model . The first step is to decide whether you
00:48 have all of these elements in your teaching interesting .
00:53 I think my students have confidence , I give a
00:57 lot of encouraging and constructive feedback online . Maybe I
01:01 need to work on the other elements . What can
01:05 I do to improve my students attention ? Do you
01:09 follow the same structure each class ? I do .
01:13 Maybe I should try to change the activities and routine
01:16 more often to keep their attention . That's a great
01:21 idea . What about relevance ? What does that mean
01:26 ? Your class has relevance to students . If they
01:29 can see how it will help them outside the classroom
01:32 , they can connect what they are learning to their
01:35 interests and goals . That makes sense . I think
01:41 I'll take some online polls to learn more about my
01:44 students interest and what about the satisfaction element ? Students
01:50 feel satisfaction in a class when they feel like they
01:53 have achieved something . I like to ask students to
01:57 present their best work to the class at the end
02:00 of the semester . That's a great idea . The
02:05 Arcs model is helpful for keeping students motivated in both
02:08 in person and online classrooms . Arcs stands for attention
02:15 , relevance , confidence and satisfaction . Some strategies for
02:23 improving students attention are changing a routine or surprising students
02:28 with a new activity . A class has relevance when
02:33 it relates to students lives outside the classroom . Teachers
02:38 can live out their students interests and use activities that
02:42 incorporate them . It is also important for students to
02:47 have confidence or positive feelings about their abilities . To
02:52 support students confidence . It's helpful to be clear about
02:56 expectations and give a lot of feedback . Finally ,
03:02 learners feel satisfaction when they feel that they have achieved
03:05 something . Teachers can try giving students rewards and giving
03:10 them chances to share their work . How do you
03:15 keep your students motivated ? This is american english .
03:20 Thank you for watching .



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