Write Better Stories and Essays Online Workshop - Session Three: Persuasion - Part 1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Write Better Stories and Essays Online Workshop - Session Three: Persuasion - Part 1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Write Better Stories and Essays Online Workshop - Session Three: Persuasion - Part 1 - By Lumos Learning

00:15 Hi . Good afternoon and welcome to the third session
00:17 of the right Better Workshop as we've been discussing ,
00:20 learning how to expand your basic story ideas is an
00:24 important component in taking writing from regular to extraordinary .
00:28 Through these sessions , we've been focusing on four key
00:31 specific areas that will help you learn to expand any
00:34 fiction or narrative writing . So you will feel confident
00:38 you're writing the best you can . We began this
00:40 story expansion in the first session by focusing on learning
00:43 to describe character emotions and then in the second session
00:46 , by focusing on setting today we are going to
00:49 talk about persuasion . My name is Maurice Adams ,
00:53 and I'm the director of curriculum for Lou Most learning
00:56 . I'll be serving as the host for our time
00:58 today , and it's my pleasure to introduce our presenter
01:00 for the day . Mr George Smith , who works
01:03 as a consultant with the most money . He is
01:05 an editor and administrator and is the author of The
01:08 Right Better Book We will be referring to throughout each
01:10 session . He has conducted these workshops at a number
01:14 of schools , and we are so privileged to have
01:16 him join us today . But before I pass this
01:19 on to Mr Smith . I do have a couple
01:20 of housekeeping tasks to mention during the presentation . All
01:24 lines will be needed . This allows others the best
01:27 opportunity to hear the presentation . However , we want
01:31 active participation . So at times we will unused the
01:35 line So all can offer responses to an interesting question
01:38 . And at any point in the presentation , you
01:41 can type a question into the chat or use the
01:43 race . The hand feature . At the end of
01:46 the presentation today , we will have some time for
01:48 questions and answers . Mr . Smith and I will
01:50 answer as many questions as possible during that time .
01:54 So at this point , please go ahead , Mr
01:55 Smith . Okay . Thank you , Mrs Adams .
01:58 And hello , young authors . And welcome this Webinar
02:02 is about persuasion . And what it will teach you
02:05 is how to present effective written arguments what we call
02:10 arguments , uh , to persuade the readers in your
02:14 target audience to accept your point of view or your
02:18 opinions and also to take any actions that you recommend
02:25 . There are a couple of purposes of why you
02:28 would undertake persuasive writing . The first is to persuade
02:33 your readers to agree with your point of view or
02:37 your opinion , So you want to persuade them to
02:41 agree with the point of view that you are raising
02:43 and try to convince them to go along with you
02:46 . There's also a second purpose to motivate your readers
02:51 to take any actions that you are recommending . Now
02:55 , when you're writing something to persuade people , there
02:58 , may or may not be actions that you want
03:00 them to take . But if there are , that
03:02 could be one of the purposes one of the two
03:04 purposes of your persuasive writing . So now we know
03:09 the purposes . I'd like to introduce you to the
03:12 persuasive writing process . It begins with selecting a topic
03:17 . Of course you have to . You would guess
03:19 that that you have to pick a topic that you're
03:20 going to write about to persuade people . So that
03:23 is really the first step , and I don't know
03:28 you all personally . So I had to kind of
03:30 guess on the topic for this webinar that all of
03:33 you might be interested in . Choosing a topic is
03:36 very important , and you'll be most convincing and persuasive
03:40 if you pick a topic that you feel strongly about
03:44 . So I took a chance and I selected this
03:47 one . And it is fictitious . But it can
03:51 happen anywhere . Really . Your school principal has proposed
03:55 a policy that would not allow students to bring their
03:58 cell phones , ipads or tablets to school . He
04:02 is looking for feedback . Well , together we will
04:06 figure out how to write a statement persuading your target
04:10 audience . And we have to pick who that target
04:12 audiences to accept your point of view about this proposed
04:15 policy . So , in the writing , uh ,
04:19 in the writing process , we've already taken the first
04:22 step . We've selected a topic . Does anyone want
04:26 to guess after you select the topic ? What do
04:28 you think we need to do next in the persuasive
04:31 writing process ? So anybody like to speak up and
04:34 and take a guess at what we should do after
04:37 we select the topic ? And again to do this
04:40 , you can just hit the raise your hands featured
04:42 and see if you have an answer for our next
04:44 step in the process . Yeah . All right .
04:50 I'm gonna go ahead and your line , and you
04:52 can share your answer pretty right . Thanks . Nick
05:02 . Pre , right ? Uh , anybody else have
05:09 any other ideas ? How about you ? Drafty rafting
05:18 . Okay , good . Yes . Let's see what
05:21 Mr Smith says . Okay , I'm not sure I
05:24 heard the very first person . Mrs . Adams ,
05:27 do you ? Did you hear the very first answer
05:29 ? Not here , all of it . But I
05:31 think they were pretty close on on target . Okay
05:35 , I did hear drafting , which I think would
05:38 mean the beginning of the writing process . Actually ,
05:42 that is I'm going to get one more chance for
05:45 the first one because we didn't hear that . Okay
05:48 , go ahead . And sandals , I hope .
05:50 Pre writing free riding . Okay . Pretty close .
05:56 Let's see what Mr Smith says . Yeah , Yeah
05:59 , these are These are good answers . And we
06:01 will eventually get around to doing that . But not
06:04 quite so fast . After you pick the topic ,
06:07 the very next thing you should do is decide who
06:09 your target audiences . In other words , in this
06:13 case , where the principal is asking for feedback ,
06:15 you could be writing to persuade your fellow students you
06:19 could be writing to teachers . You could be right
06:21 in your parents in order to get them to take
06:23 some action . You could be writing directly to the
06:26 principal . Or you could be writing to the Board
06:27 of Education . So after you pick your topic ,
06:30 you really have to pick your target audience . And
06:34 I made a decision for you here . I'm going
06:36 to pretend that you want to write to some of
06:38 your fellow students to give them information to convince them
06:42 to take some action along with you . So I
06:45 could have picked the parents of the principle of the
06:47 teachers or someone else . But I just took a
06:49 guess . And I'm going to pretend that we're going
06:51 to be writing to your fellow students . So this
06:54 is the very next step Before you can begin to
06:55 right after you select your topic , you have to
06:58 decide who your audience is . Okay , Now we're
07:02 still not ready to write yet . There's gonna be
07:04 another step that we take . Does anybody want to
07:06 try to guess what you do after you ? You
07:08 pick your topic , you pick your audience . What
07:11 do you think you have to do next ? Before
07:13 you start to write anybody wanna take a guess ?
07:16 And remember , you can think about what our topic
07:18 is . Our topic is that the principal has decided
07:21 you cannot bring your ipads and your iPhones or any
07:25 other smartphone devices to school . So you have to
07:28 decide what your you've been given your topic . Now
07:32 you have your audience . Now you need to decide
07:34 what you think is next . Okay , How about
07:36 you ? Um , you have to decide what your
07:40 paragraphs will be about . Maybe what your paragraphs will
07:44 be about . Does anybody else have any other ideas
07:51 ? Okay , Mr Smith . Okay . Yes .
07:54 I'm going to call it content what the content is
07:57 going to be and you're absolutely right . But what
08:00 ? I was going to say that within that content
08:02 , you need to decide what position you're going to
08:05 take . Are you going to be positive about this
08:08 topic and want to persuade others to accept it and
08:11 support it ? Or are you opposed to the topic
08:13 and you want to persuade others to reject it and
08:16 oppose it ? Or in some cases , you may
08:18 want to present both sides of it and not not
08:22 persuade somebody even way . Let them decide for themselves
08:25 . So I made another guess here , and I
08:27 decided that we are going to be opposed to the
08:30 policy . In other words , we do not agree
08:33 that students should not be able to bring your cell
08:35 phones iPads and table established the school . We feel
08:38 that they should be able to . So your answer
08:42 about content was correct . And but within that content
08:45 , I think you need to decide even before you
08:47 start to right . What is your position going to
08:49 be ? So in this fictitious topic and audience ,
08:54 we're going to be opposed to this policy . So
08:58 the three steps that you've just taken make up what
09:02 I call the persuasive writing process . And we've given
09:06 you a little acronym to help you remember what these
09:09 steps are . The acrimonious tap T a p like
09:12 you touch something , you tap something , and the
09:15 tea is for topic . You can see it on
09:17 your screen . The A is for audience , and
09:20 the P is for a position . So these are
09:23 the three , um , pieces of the persuaded ,
09:27 persuasive writing process that you would go through Now we're
09:33 actually getting to what a couple of you said earlier
09:35 , the actual pre writing or writing process . So
09:39 next I'm going to show you a format that you
09:41 can use to organize the content of your persuasive piece
09:45 of writing So now that you're ready to write ,
09:49 let's decide what what we're going to call the different
09:53 , um , parts of your content there . It's
09:57 almost like chapters . So then we want to guess
10:00 what the first chapter might be called in your persuasive
10:04 writing piece . And I can give you a hint
10:09 for this one . Pretty much every type of writing
10:12 that you have is always going to start with this
10:15 type of paragraph . Oh , let's see . I
10:20 think we might have an answer here . What do
10:23 you think ? The beginning or like , the setting
10:27 part of the story ? Very close . The beginning
10:31 or the setting was the answer that they were given
10:33 and that you always had for the beginning . What
10:36 else do you think the beginning is called ? What
10:39 the topics about ? Okay , let's keep going .
10:44 Anyone ? Anyone else ? Yeah . Okay . Okay
10:51 . Well , the beginning is another word . I
10:54 have another word for that called the introduction


Write Better Stories and Essays Workshop - Session Three: Persuasion - Part 1 conducted by Mr. George Smith and Ms. Marisa Adams on 4th December 2013


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