Values to Teach Your Child - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Values to Teach Your Child - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Values to Teach Your Child - By Lumos Learning

00:41 Mm . Mhm . Mhm . Yeah , yeah ,
01:08 yeah . Mm , yeah . Mhm . Mhm .
01:47 Okay .


Helping children to develop responsibility, honesty and a sense of gratitude is usually considered just as important as teaching reading or comprehension skills. There are lots of great values to teach your child, which can help them to avoid peer pressure or the temptation to conform to consumer culture’s demands. It is important to consider which values you want to teach your child and determine what the best ways are to in still these values in your child.


Values to Teach Your Child is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.

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