Common Core Math Enrichment Program Grade 3 with Online Resources

Common Core Math Enrichment Program Grade 3

Common Core Math Enrichment Program Grade 3

By WS Publishing Group

Published date: 09-27-2016

Price: $ 9.99

Grade: 3

Subject: MATH


The Let's Leap Ahead Common Core Math Enrichment Program provides a comprehensive supplemental math program for students in grade 3. This book is preferred by teachers nationwide because it is 100% aligned to Common Core State Standards. It includes hundreds of activities and practice problems for every Common Core substandard as well as a comprehensive assessment test to gauge how well students understand the concepts. It offers a strong emphasis on critical thinking word problems to encourage and develop higher-level reasoning and problem solving strategies. The workbook comes with a one-yea


Common Core Math Enrichment Program Grade 3 is a educational Book By WS Publishing Group.It helps students in grades 3.

This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.


ISBN: 1613511213

ISBN(13-digit): 978-1613511213

Publisher: WS Publishing Group

Published Date: 09-27-2016

Category: Education

Pages: 100

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