Read the information and answer the questions. The paragraphs are numbered to help with questions and answers.
1 Flowers are pretty to look at and can be easily planted.
2 In this
article, you will learn about planting flowers that are ready to
3 The best kind of flowers to grow will
depend on where you live, and the kind of light the flower needs. It is important to plant the flower in the
right light or it may not grow at all. Flowers
need different kind of light to grow. These are full sunlight,
partial sunlight,
partial shade or full shade. Plants come with a tag to help you.
4 Some
favorite flowers are zinnias, petunias, lilies, marigolds and begonias, daisies and sunflowers.
5 Most people who plant flowers will first
decide where they want to plant the flowers. There are many kinds of flower boxes or pots you can build or buy. Gardeners like to plant rows of flowers, too.
6 After picking out the kind of flower and where to plant the flowers, you will
need to get materials. Get
fresh rich dirt, potting
soil and water. If you are planting in the ground, dig a hole for each plant. If you are using a flower box or pot, mix the dirt and
soil. Place it in the box or pot and pack it down. Now, for all planting, dig the holes about 2-4 inches deep. Carefully place your flower plant in a hole and pack dirt around it a little higher than the plant bottom. Last, water your plants. Water them to soak in the
soil, but not too much to have standing water.
7 Check your plants daily to see if the
soil is still
damp. Water when it is not
8 Good Luck!