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Archaeology is the study of past human life and culture through systematically examining and interpreting the material remains left behind. These material remains include archaeological sites (e.g. settlements, building features, graves), as well as cultural materials or artifacts such as tools and pottery. Through the interpretation and classification of archaeological materials, archaeologists work to understand past human behavior. In some countries, archaeology is often historical or art historical, with a strong emphasis on cultural history, archaeological sites, and artifacts such as art objects. In the New World, archaeology can be either a part of history and classical studies or anthropology.
The history of archaeology has been one of increasing professionalization, and the use of an increasing range of techniques to obtain as much data on the site being examined as possible. The exact origins of archaeology as a discipline are uncertain. Excavations of ancient monuments and the collection of antiquities have been taking place for thousands of years. It was only in the 19th century, however, that the systematic study of the past through its physical remains began to be carried out in a manner recognizable to modern students of archaeology.
“Archaeology is the study of past human life and culture through systematically examining and interpreting the material remains left behind.”

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Word Lists:

Archaeology : the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.

Artifact : an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest

Systematically : according to a fixed plan or system; methodically

Archaeologist : a person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains

Anthropology : the study of human societies and cultures and their development.

Cultural : relating to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a society

Excavation : the action of excavating something, especially an archaeological site

Classification : the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics

Systematic : done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical

Material : the matter from which a thing is or can be made


Additional Information:

Rating: Words in the Passage: 223 Unique Words: 118 Sentences: 13
Noun: 80 Conjunction: 24 Adverb: 7 Interjection: 0
Adjective: 26 Pronoun: 2 Verb: 29 Preposition: 32
Letter Count: 1,192 Sentiment: Positive Tone: Formal Difficult Words: 66
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