When we
compare the individuals of the same
variety or sub-
variety of our older
cultivated plants and animals, one of the first points which strikes us is, that they generally
differ more from each other than do the individuals of any one
species or
variety in a
state of
nature. And if we
reflect on the
vast diversity of the plants and animals which have been
cultivated, and which have
varied during all ages under the most
different climates and
treatment, we are driven to
conclude that this great
variability is due to our
domestic productions having been raised under conditions of life not so
uniform as, and somewhat
different from, those to which the parent
species had been
exposed under
nature. There is, also, some
probability in the view propounded by Andrew Knight, that this
variability may be partly connected with
excess of food. It seems clear that
organic beings must be
exposed during
several generations to new conditions to
cause any great amount of
variation; and that, when the
organization has once begun to
vary, it generally continues
varying for many generations. No case is on
record of a
variable organism ceasing to
vary under
Our oldest
cultivated plants, such as wheat, still
yield new varieties: our oldest
domesticated animals are still
capable of
rapid improvement or
modification. As far as I am
able to judge, after long attending to the
subject, the conditions of life appear to act in two ways—
directly on the whole
organization or on
certain parts alone and in
directly by
affecting the
reproductive system. With
respect to the direct action, we must bear in
mind that in every case, as Professor Weismann has lately insisted, and as I have
incidentally shown in my work on "Variation under Domestication," there are two factors: namely, the
nature of the
organism and the
nature of the conditions. The
former seems to be much the more important; for nearly
similar variations sometimes
arise under, as far as we can judge,
dissimilar conditions; and, on the other hand,
dissimilar variations
arise under conditions which appear to be nearly
uniform. The effects on the
offspring are either
definite or indefinite. They may be
considered as
definite when all or nearly all the
offspring of individuals
exposed to
certain conditions during
several generations are 21 modified in the same manner.