The "House-fly" is a
fit subject for a simplified
study of this kind, and the present booklet is an
attempt to
afford information very
different to that of the "
popular" works, which only were
accessible to the writer's hands between fifty and sixty years ago; the writers of those old books all followed the lead of the
reverend and
learned contributors to the
famous and
monumental "Bridgwater Treatises." "The Wonders of Nature explained," "Humble Creatures" (a
study of the earth-worm and the house-fly, in popularised
language), "The Treasury of Knowledge," "Simple Lessons for Home Use," were the kind of cheaper works in touch with a past
generation; these
latter and other later well-intended publications will now be found to be somewhat
deficient or even a little misleading entomologically; they abounded in
pious sentimentality and mostly attempted an aggravatingly
grandiose literary style, but all have rather failed in teaching
practical economic utility, in
connection with which
knowledge can be rendered as interesting as any other kind of
instructive literature. The tribe of two-winged flies, in
particular, has not even yet received a full and
adequate study by scientists. A
preference has ever been shown towards those other branches of
entomology, which may be more interesting to the cabinet-specimen collector, but which cannot
pretend to have an
equal hygienic and
economic importance to
In the middle of the last
century there was a boy,
thought to be too
delicate to be sent to school, who early earned for himself the
character of being a
strange child. When
barely more than nine years old he visited an Aunt who was a
veritable exemplar of
genteel breeding and
propriety after the early Victorian
pattern. There he was seriously reprimanded for the "
cruelty" of feeding his secret pets, which were garden spiders, with flies which were, so the Aunt said, "poor
innocent creatures made by God for a useful
purpose," but, she inconsequentially added,-"Spiders were
horrid." The
strange child replied that the Devil made the flies, and that God made the spiders to eat them. The
astonished Aunt then elicited the
fact that the
strange child's father had explained, during a Sunday Bible
lesson, that Beelzebub (the Devil) meant Lord-of-flies.
strange child was taken a walk over Doncaster Heath by the Aunt's maid. There a dead rabbit was seen from which maggots were crawling, and the maid explained that it was fly-blown. Next they both stroked and patted a
patient donkey, and the
strange child observed maggots rolling out of the donkey's nostril[1] on to the ground; he wondered much that live animals should be fly-blown. He also saw with
pity some cows, around whose eyes flies clustered.
Pondering on these matters, one day he confided to the Aunt his confirmed
opinion in these words-"It seems, Aunt, to me that people who won't kill flies
deserve to be fly-blown." Doubtless, it would have been better if he had expressed himself
thus-People who will not kill fleas
deserve to be flea-bitten; and people who will not
wage war against flies
deserve to be fly-tormented. However, the horrified Aunt mistook the
observation for
insult and
impudent rebellion, and what ensued
need not be related as pointing no useful
moral. The
strange child was
merely a
genuine early
nature student ahead of the times by some fifty or sixty years. In due course he learnt a more
orthodox account of "Creation," and the
existence of mysteries in facts
physiological and
spiritual, which can only be imperfectly comprehended in this world.
craving for
nature study was not
satisfied with the reading of most of the
cheap books then published for the
diffusion of
knowledge. Collecting butterflies and moths sufficed for some of his schoolfellows in later years, but, not then having
access to really good handbooks, he became an
original investigator in wide fields of
nature study, and
thus learnt that many statements and opinions, which ordinarily even at the present day pass
current as facts, are
erroneous and misleading. Accordingly, the reader
need not be surprised at some statements in the following pages at
variance with what may be met with elsewhere.
1. Stevens' Book of the Farm and many other publications
describe the
similar affliction of sheep by Œstrus ovis but
omit to
notice the case of the donkey, which I have witnessed
several times, but have never seen a horse or pony
thus afflicted. There is a fly termed Œstrus nasalis, of which the victimised
host is uncertain, for Linnæus was
mistaken in stating that the larvæ are found in the fauces of "horses, asses, mules, stags, and goats," entering by the nostril.