North Brunswick Public Library Goes-Live with Lumos StepUp Electronic Database Program

Piscataway, New Jersey, July 20, 2017

With growing emphasis on student learning and achievement, libraries are looking at different ways in which they can make available vast resources to support this. Increasing number of patrons and the need to provide resources to all have made libraries use digital technology to serve their patrons needs in a better manner.

The North Brunswick Public Library recently went live with the Lumos StepUp Electronic Database program to support their patrons who are looking at excellence in PARCC Assessments of K-12.

The North Brunswick Public Library is an award-winning educational institution that promotes individual and community success for citizens of all ages. The library, which is part of the Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium (LMaXC) serves over 831,000 citizens.

The Lumos StepUp™ Database Program for libraries is a year-round collaborative learning platform for students in grades 3-8, their parents, and teacher. It includes access to hundreds of grade-appropriate language arts and math question bank based on the Common Core State Standards. The practice tests and tech-enhanced items in the program help students with PARCC test preparation. The skills mastery and writing workshops allow students to improve their grade-level writing, reading, language, and math skills. Students can access the program with their libraries cards anytime anywhere.

Patrons of the library can access the program using their library cards.

Commenting on the use of Lumos StepUp Electronic Database Program, Ms. Cheryl McBride, Director North Brunswick Library and NJLA’s Librarian of the Year 2014-2015 said

“We were thrilled to find an online service that our patrons could use to prepare for the PARCC tests. We couldn’t possibly buy enough test prep books to serve everyone. This is available to all my patrons all the time, in the library or at home. It’s a terrific resource.”

Apart from The North Brunswick Public Library, the Lumos StepUp Electronic Database Program is being used by more than 30 other libraries among which are the Mercer County Library, Somerset County Library System, Old Bridge Library, East Brunswick Library,and Monroe Township Library

To know more about Lumos Learning Library program, click here

About Lumos Learning:

Lumos Learning is a publisher of innovative learning resources and technology tools. It was started in 2007 and is based in Piscataway, New Jersey. The Lumos Study Program supports elementary and middle school educators in their effort to reinforce and extend the classroom learning experience. The program provides engaging learning resources, rigorous assessments, and insightful analytics for students to succeed on the standardized tests.

For more information, Contact:
Alice Moore

Alice Moore

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