2 January, 2018, Piscataway, NJ
A number of public libraries use the Lumos StepUp data base program to help their patrons in elementary and middle schools to succeed in the state standardized tests. The newly launched librarian portal allows librarians to conveniently access usage information. Insights into how often the patrons are using the StepUp program as well as what resources are being accessed. The analytical information provided through the library portal helps librarians measure the ROI and improve communication with the community members.
The new library portal comes with a dashboard which tracks the usage of the patrons.
Library administrators get easy information about the number of sessions, new accounts added in a specific time period, number of students, number of logins in a particular time period which helps understand the usage.
The Lumos StepUp™ Database Program for libraries is a year-round collaborative learning platform for students in grades 3-8, their parents, and teacher. It includes access to hundreds of grade-appropriate language arts and math question bank based on the Common Core State Standards. The practice tests and tech-enhanced items in the program help students with test preparation. The skills mastery and writing workshops allow students to improve their grade-level writing, reading, language, and math skills. Students can access the program with their libraries cards anytime anywhere.
Patrons of the library can access the program using their library cards.
To know more about Lumos Learning Library program, click here
About Lumos Learning:
Lumos Learning is a publisher of innovative tools that enhance classroom learning for students in Elementary, Middle and High Schools. It has developed a learning platform that provides engaging learning resources, rigorous assessments and insightful analytics for students and educators. Using the Lumos Study Programs, parents and teachers can reinforce the classroom learning experience for students and help them succeed on the standardized tests. It was started in 2007 and based in Piscataway, New Jersey.
For more information, Contact:
Alice Moore