Oct 17, 2014
Lumos tedBook PBAs
Piscataway, NJ, October 5, 2014 – Lumos Learning announced the immediate availability of digital tedBooks to provide students, and teachers convenient access to PARCC Performance Based Assessment practice through Kindle, Nook and Apple devices.
“A large number of students access learning resources through digital book readers such as Kindle, Nook and iPads. We are excited about making our PARCC PBA Practice resources available through this format.” said Marisa, Director of Curriculum at Lumos Learning.
Positive Customer Impact
Several schools and many parents have already benefited from using Lumos tedBook PBAs. Mrs. Williams,a Parent said “I buy my child a Lumos tedBook every year and it has made such a difference. Preparation with these books has always assisted him in getting high scores and given him the opportunity to participate in the Gifted and Talented Program for Math at school”. The use of the Lumos tedbook on digital devices will help student’s practice for the PARCC test by allowing them to become comfortable solving problems in a non-traditional way.
Lumos tedBook PBAs Availability
Lumos tedBook PBAs is an updated PARCC Practice Study Resource for students in Grades 3-8. This product was designed to help parents support students through the new tests. It is a part of Lumos Learning’s commitment to deliver the best supplemental study programs for students. Lumos PBA Practice tedBooks are available on Amazon and B&N Stores.
About Lumos Learning
Founded in 2007, Lumos Learning, is a publisher of innovative tools that enhance classroom learning for children in K-12. It has developed learning platforms that combine online and print media to complement classroom learning. Using the Lumos Study Programs, parents and educators can reinforce the classroom learning experience for children, and help them succeed in the classrooms and standardized tests.
Lumos Learning and Lumos tedBook PBAs are registered trademarks or trademarks of Lumos Learning in the United States.
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Lisa Jones
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