Concurrent Sessions

American Overseas Schools

Primary Presenter(s):Ralph H. Jahr, Ph.D.
Senior Associate, Search Associates, Roseville, California

Co-Presenter(s):Tom Shearer
Regional Education Officer, U.S. Department of State – Office of Overseas Schools

Learn more about administrative opportunities that exist in American Overseas Schools in countries around the world. Literature and materials, including fact sheets, school directories, and recruitment information will be distributed. Employment opportunities and school-to-school partnerships will be addressed and the benefits of an international lifestyle will be discussed.

Creating the Innovators of Tomorrow Through an Elementary STEAM Lab

Primary Presenter(s):Kimberlie Linz
Principal, Pacific School – Manhattan Beach Unified School District, Hawthorn, California

Provide a space for students to impact the future through innovative creation and design. Pacific Elementary School’s Makerspace innovation lab provides high and low technology tools for students to explore STEAM concepts, change the physical world around them and create prototypes that don’t currently exist to solve problems of today. Our Makerspace has opened doors to learning and leadership for all students, and is a culmination of a collaboration between school and community partners.

Building the Foundation for Life-long Learning and Success: Brain Research and Executive Function Life in the Early Years

Primary Presenter(s):Cassie Potler, M, Ed.
Practice Associate, School Readiness Consulting

Successful transition into formal schooling for young children, and subsequent academic success, require a variety of competencies, beyond the early literacy and numeracy skills that provide the foundation for reading and mathematics. In this session, principals will discuss other competencies that are intrinsic to school-based instruction, namely the skills associated with Executive Function and Self-Regulation (EF/SR).

The Impact of Summer Recess on Mathematic Learning Retention

Primary Presenter(s):David G. Hornak, Ed.S.
Horizon Elementary Principal, Holt Public Schools, Holt, Michigan

Co-Presenter(s):Anne M. Hornak, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Chairperson, Educational Leadership: Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

School administrators across the nation are actively searching for solutions to increase student achievement due in part to the significant amount of knowledge that is lost annually each summer. The presenters will discuss calendar reform, data, the balanced school calendar, and steps for success when considering this change.

A Model of Implementation and Community Involvement

Primary Presenter(s):Kelley Petty
CHARACTER COUNTS! Coordinator, Tulare County Office of Education, Visalia, California

Co-Presenter(s):John Forenti, BA California State University Fresno; California Multi Subject Teaching Credential
CHARACTER COUNTS! National Trainer, Tulare County Office of Education, Visalia, California

This session will examine the importance of TEAM Teach, Enforce, Advocate and Model using the Six Pillars of Character developed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics. This workshop will provide strategies for administrators who seek to create an ethical culture on their school campus and develop character in their students.

Empathy, Compassion & Kindness: Success Skills That Will Change School Climate For Good

Primary Presenter(s):Barbara Gruener, B.S. English/Spanish, M.S. Education, M.S. Counseling
School Counselor, Character Coach, Author, Friendswood Independent School District, Friendswood, Texas

Imagine a culture in which empathy elevated so high naturally translates into compassion and ultimately becomes acts of kindness and service so routine they become habit. Weave those success skills into the fabric of your character building and you’ll positively feel the climate change. Dance on in to find out how!

Date : Thursday, July 02, 2015
Time : 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM

Grace Taylor

About the Author

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