Greater Twin Cities United Way are organizing an event Closing Education & Income Gaps: Better Together.
Since 1990, the Twin Cities have experienced growth in new immigrant communities, and currently have some of the largest populations of Hmong and Somali in the United States.
Unfortunately, Minnesota reports some of the greatest disparities in the nation in outcomes for white vs. persons of color in education, housing and employment.
Topic of Discussion:
What do people really think and know about disparities?
What does the community need to be and do to make a difference in closing the gap?
What does it take to stop talking and start doing?
What strategies are working?
What is the role of nonprofit and philanthropic organizations?
Title: Closing Education & Income Gaps: Better Together
Date: Wednesday, November 19
Time: 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM (CST)
Place: St Paul, MN 55101
Register Here: