Principles & Practicalities for Today’s Classroom!
Dramatically impact teaching and learning in your classroom! Learn the “how’s” and “why’s” of assessing and grading diverse learners.
Focus assessments so that they provide valid evidence of what is and is not mastery.
Effectively use assessment that reveals your students’ readiness and then provides descriptive feedback to help students revise their efforts and achieve mastery of content and skills.
Identify the necessary elements for useful pre, formative, common, and summative assessments that really work in today’s classrooms.
Know what to grade, how to grade, and how to report a grade, especially when working with students who learn differently.
Thoughtfully address the burning issues of assessment and grading, including: designing rubrics, using grading scales, averaging scores, handling zeroes, homework, do-overs, late work, extra credit, and much more.
Develop a principled mindset to determine assessment and grading techniques that create transcripts of true integrity that stakeholders in other schools and districts can trust.