FREE ACT practice tests and sample questions. Try it now!
Lumos ACT Test Practice resources include hundreds of questions for Math, Reading, Writing, Language and Essay Writing.
These resources are designed to familiarize students with not only the standards assessed on the ACT but also the format of the test.
The resources included here are a part of the Lumos StepUp Program for ACT Practice. It is ideal for students that looking to boost their scores in the ACT test.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ACT?
The ACT is an exam conducted to check student readiness on college and career readiness. The main purpose of this exam is to gain admission to college.
Who conducts ACT tests?
It is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test administered by ACT, Inc.
What are the different sections in the ACT test?
The ACT tests student knowledge on Math, English and Reading. Apart from this, there is an optional Writing section.
What is the duration of each section?
The ACT Math section will be for a duration of 60 mins and students will answer 60 questions
The English section will be for a duration of 45 mins and students will answer 75 questions
The Reading section will be for a duration of 35 mins and students will answer 40 questions
The Writing section is for 40 minutes.
What are the question types in each section of ACT test?
All sections of ACT Test consists of Multiple choice questions except the Essay will be a writing task.