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Frequently Asked Questions about New York State Assessments (NYST) 2020

This page answers frequently asked questions about New York State Tests by Teachers, Parents and Students

What is the New York State Tests window for 2020?
How many sessions are there for each New York State Test?
What is the duration of New York State Test?
What are the question types in New York State Tests?
How are the performance levels assessed in New York State Tests?
What is the calculator policy for New York State Test?
How will StepUp® help my child prepare for New York State Test?

Realistic New York State Assessment Rehearsal with standards-aligned online program

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What is the New York State Tests window for 2020?

The test window for New York State Assessment for the year 2020 is as follows:

Grades 3-5 NYS English Language Arts Test March 25 – 26, 2020

Grades 3-5 NYS Mathematics Test April 21 – 22, 2020

Grade 4 NYS Science Test (Performance) May 28, 2020

Grade 4 NYS Science Test (Written) June 1, 2020

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How many sessions are there for each New York State Test?

The session details for New York State Tests are as follows:

Both ELA and Math Tests have 2 Sessions each

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What is the duration of New York State Test?

The duration of the New York State Tests are as below:

Grade 3 : 60-70 minutes per session
Grade 4 to 8 : 80-90 minutes per session

Grade 3 :
Session 1: 55-65 minutes
Session 2: 60-70 minutes

Grade 4:
Session 1: 65-75 minutes
Session 2: 65-75 minutes

Grade 5
Session 1: 80-90 minutes
Session 2: 70-80 minutes

Grade 5
Session 1: 80-90 minutes
Session 2: 70-80 minutes

Grade 6 to 8
Session 1: 80-90 minutes
Session 2: 75-85 minutes

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Realistic New York State Assessment Rehearsal with standards-aligned online program

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What are the question types in New York State Tests?

The question types in New York State Tests are as below


Multiple choice questions
Short response questions and
Extended Response questions


Multiple choice questions
Short response questions and
Extended Response questions

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How are the performance levels assessed in New York State Tests?

There are 4 performance levels in New York State Tests.

NYS Level 4

Students performing at this level excel in standards for their grade. They demonstrate knowledge, skills, and practices of the standards related to the grade.

NYS Level 3

Students performing at this level are proficient in standards for their grade. They demonstrate knowledge, skills, and practices of the standards related to the grade.

NYS Level 2

Students performing at this level are partially proficient in standards for their grade. They demonstrate knowledge, skills, and practices of the standards related to the grade.

NYS Level 1

Students performing at this level are well below proficient in standards for their grade. They demonstrate limited knowledge, skills, and practices of the standards related to the grade.

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Realistic New York State Assessment Rehearsal with standards-aligned online program

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What is the calculator policy for New York State Test?

The calculator policy for New York State Test is as follows:

Students in Grade 3 to 5 are not allowed to use to calculator.

Students in Grade 6 to 8 are NOT permitted to use calculators for Session 1. For Session 2, students can use calculators specified for the grade level use.

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How will StepUp® help my child prepare for New York State Test?

The Lumos StepUp® provides
(a) Online access to Two Full-length New York State Practice Tests .
(b) Workbooks to practice 30+ Math and 40+ ELA skills.
(c) Access to parent and student portals.
(d) Access to Teacher portal.
(e) Easy-to-use, advanced and real-time reports to help you identify areas of weakness and tailor personalized learning plans for your student.
(f) Student-centric approach, combined with instant feedback boosts student confidence and improves learning outcomes.
(g) StepUp® program can be accessed through a number of devices that include, PC, tablet and smartphones and it is available 24×7. This convenience helps enabling anywhere learning.

To access Parent/ Student portal click here

To access School / Teacher portal click here

To access StepUp® program FAQ’s

Click here

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