Why PARCC & Smarter Balanced Assessments are good

Some test results released recently exposed a terrible reality that went unspoken for quite some time. According to some data gathered by experts, only a small percentage of students in grades 3 through 8 met or exceeded proficiency benchmarks in reading and math. While these numbers are saddening, they provide a real snapshot of how unprepared students are.

This fall, educators had an opportunity to participate in a research conducted by the National Network of State Teachers of the Year. They compared PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessments to the previous tests taken in some states. However, they concluded that the new assessments are far better than the old and that measure student understanding in a better way.

Before teachers can begin improving student outcomes, they need to know how students are performing. High-quality tests are one of the best tools that can help make those determinations. The tests ensure that students have the right levels of skills and knowledge base they require to graduate to the next grade-level. Students are also asked to explain their reasoning in the new tests like PARCC and Smarter Balanced which helps in understanding any student’s comprehension on each topic.

Based on http://hechingerreport.org/an-award-winning-teacher-explains-why-parcc-smarter-balanced-are-the-kind-of-tests-students-should-take/


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