Design Thinking and PBL are popular in Makerspaces in school libraries, so why not bring the excitement and engagement students experience into your classroom?Time is often a common concern in how to integrate Design Thinking and/or PBL into a daily lesson or content area. By coming to this workshop, fellow educators will learn more about the Design Thinking Model and ways to integrate it into daily lessons or in-depth projects. Design Thinking allows for students to go through various stages: empathizing with audience or subject matter; defining the problem; coming up with ideas to solve or create; prototyping; and testing & sharing with others. Educators will also learn the difference between "projects" and project based learning. PBL and the Design Thinking Model are perfect for allowing students to engage with their peers, teachers, and the content they are learning and presenting. There is choice. Students will be able to choose and research the best strategies to solve a problem or create a solution. They will choose how to present and be assessed. Utilizing and integrating PBL and the Design Thinking model is a great way to integrate technology. Students will figure out which apps to use and how to present their findings/research/results. With choice comes engagement, excitement, and empowerment!I have tried various ideas and activities with my students, and the engagement and empowerment is contagious! The other by-product of utilizing these strategies is the collaboration that sparks among students. Attendees will come and check out some examples of work form my fifth grade students and test out some of the strategies and tech apps we have used. Examples of activities from my fifth grade students include creating trailers about narratives; designing interactive timelines/maps using Dash and Dot robots (and coding with Blockly); building artifacts to accompany research projects; and utilizing DoInk, a green screen app, while studying content areas, etc. The design thinking model will be shared, and ways to incorporate it within a class period will be shared as well. Attendees should expect to be engaged and learn new ways to excite their young learners!

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