App-smashing is a form of art that utilizes precise tools and a clear workflow to create a highly engaging and effective classroom lesson or center! By making the best use of tools on your iPad and setting a clear workflow, students will be able to connect deeply to learning and gain independence. Participants will practice the art of app-smashing alongside us as we discuss how to best utilize diverse tools on the iPad. Educators will learn practical tips for encouraging student thinking using multiple modalities (auditory, visual, text) through the use of app-smashing. Throughout the workshop, participants will also receive tips to manage the activity and their students' workflow. They will learn how some of our favorite iPad app-smashes, including Pic Collage Edu, Chatterpix Kids, Shadow Puppet Edu, Seesaw, Classkick, and Book Creator can transform literacy lessons and centers while creating student autonomy in an elementary setting.

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