Geometry Properties of Polygons: 42 Task Cards CCSS.Math.Content.5.G.B.3
Pinned By - Ashley LeeDESCRIPTION:
Grade(s): 5
Subject(s): Math
Standard(s): 5.G.B.3
Geometry Properties of Polygons: 42 Task Cards CCSS.Math.Content.5.G.B.3 is a educational Infographics - By Ashley Lee.It helps students in grades 5 practice the following standards 5.G.B.3.
This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.
1. 5.G.B.3 : Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right angles and squares are rectangles, so all squares have four right angles..