This is helpful app to you can learn Idioms , Phrases and Proverbs in English very easily and effectively. It has more than 10000 idioms and phrases, it will help you search easily and effectively Features: - Popular English Idioms - English Idioms Dictionary - Favorite English Idioms - English proverbs with their meaning - Most Common Phrasal Verbs - American Slang Dictionary - Idioms Quizzes - Phrasal Verb Quizzes
All English Idioms & Phrases is a free educational mobile app By MS apps.It helps students in grades 2 practice the following standards RL.2.4.
This page not only allows students and teachers download All English Idioms & Phrases but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.
1. RL.2.4 : Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.
Software Version: 3.2
Category: Education