The "Review in Preparation for College Algebra" series contains four (4) apps and has 39 embedded lessons. Since the primary mode of operation of the brain is pattern generalizing, almost all of the lessons are structured as pattern-building activities. Users are encouraged to generalize the patterns using pencil and paper (so that the brain sees the bigger picture), because when they do, the brain creates a memory of the pattern and it understands the generalized algebra in the lesson. The apps also use function as the underlying theme to teach the included algebra. When users connect new alg
The "Review in Preparation for College Algebra" series contains four (4) apps and has 39 embedded lessons. Since the primary mode of operation of the brain is pattern generalizing, almost all of the lessons are structured as pattern-building activities. Users are encouraged to generalize the patterns using pencil and paper (so that the brain sees the bigger picture), because when they do, the brain creates a memory of the pattern and it understands the generalized algebra in the lesson. The apps also use function as the underlying theme to teach the included algebra. When users connect new algebraic concepts to existing long-term memories of previously learned algebra, the brain understands the new concept or procedure in the lesson. Function representation and function behaviors connect all of the algebra. Lessons consist of open-ended questions, and when the user answers a question, he/she receives a correct response and verbal praise if correct.
High school students in Algebra I or II and college students in remedial algebra courses such as Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Algebraic Literacy courses, and freshmen courses preparing students for non-STEM college-level courses. While the lessons are teaching in nature, they also provide a review for course midterm and exams.
Technology Requirements:
The graphing calculator is required and is used to help develop patterns and provide visualizations of the algebra in the lessons. It is crucial as a learning tool because visualizations lead to understanding. In addition, the graphing calculator processes function representations and function behaviors, which are at the core of learning algebra through function.
- Learn through questioning
- Based on core common algebra curriculum - Formative algebra assessments
- Based on basic brain function
- Immediate feedback
- Correct response after answering questions - Test yourself repeatedly
- Easy navigation
- Score tracking
- Audio response
The Content Author:
The author has 16 years of experience writing questions for college mathematics placement tests, for end- of-year course exams, and for pre-service teacher proficiency tests. See for more information about the author.
Explore Linear Functions:
1. Generalize the I.V. Drip Pattern
2. An Introduction to a Linear Relationship
3. Linear Rate of Change and Initial Condition
4. Rate of Change and Initial Conditions
5. Create a Linear Function
6. Point-Slope Form of the Linear Function in Context
7. Point-Slope Form
8. Blue Point Grill Waiter Behavior
9. Linear Function Behavior-Zeros
10. The Linear Function as a Model of Gasoline Remaining in the Tank
11. Increasing-Decreasing Connection to Positive-Negative Slope
12. Connect the zeros of a linear function to a known contextual situation
13. Length (Distance) in the Coordinate Plane
Explore Linear Functions is a free educational mobile app By Red Bank Publishing.It helps students in grades HS practice the following standards HSF.LE.A.1,HSF.LE.A.2,HSF.LE.A.3.
This page not only allows students and teachers download Explore Linear Functions but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.
1. HSF.LE.A.1 : Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with exponential functions.
2. HSF.LE.A.2 : Construct linear and exponential functions, including arithmetic and geometric sequences, given a graph, a description of a relationship, or two input-output pairs.
3. HSF.LE.A.3 : Observe using graphs and tables that a quantity increasing exponentially eventually exceeds a quantity increasing linearly, quadratically, or (more generally) as a polynomial function..