Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Which of the following shows varied sentence structure?

a. I am tired. I am hungry. I don't feel well.

b. I enjoy playing softball but I sometimes miss player soccer.

c. She is late. She is always late and never wakes up on time.

d. My favorite colors are blue and green.

Which of the following is a simple sentence?

a. Sam and Brian finished their science project early.

b. Heidi likes her new school but she misses all of her friends.

c. My sister, who is starting Kindergarten, has her first day on Thursday.

d. all of the above

Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?

a. Everybody votes voted for pepperoni pizza, but my favorite kind is cheese.

b. I made a cake, Mark brought the juice, and Sandy brought napkins and forks.

c. I will audition for the play or I will chicken out.

Writing Standards (W.8.3)

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