Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

The Highland Games are like the Scottish Olympics. Athletes are skilled at different sports. Athletes compete to earn medals. The sports at the Highland Games are like no other sporting competition in the world.

How can the underlined sentences be combined so that their meaning is preserved?

The men who participate in the Highland Game sports wear kilts. Kilts are skirts made of plaid material that represents the clan or family that the man comes from. While it might seem unusual to you that a man would be playing sports in a skirt, kilts are one of the Scottish traditions that make up the Highland Games. Each year men and women come to Highland Games competitions to win medals and watch the sports.

What type of sentence is the underlined sentence in this paragraph?

Lawn bowling is a game of strategy. Each lawn bowling team wants to earn enough points to win. Its players not only try to get their bowls near the kitty (target), they also try to knock the other team’s balls away from the target or off of the bowling Green. When a player sees that a ball from the other team is close to the kitty, he has to carefully plan his throw so that he can move the other ball away from the mark while at the same time getting his bowl as close to it as possible. To be a successful lawn bowler, a player must practice often so that she can develop these complex skills.

How can the underlined sentences be combined so that their meaning is preserved?

Writing Standards (W.7.1.C)

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