The Curious Kid's Science Book: 100+ Creative Hands-On Activities for Ages 4-8 with Online Resources

The Curious Kid's Science Book: 100+ Creative Hands-On Activities for Ages 4-8

The Curious Kid's Science Book: 100+ Creative Hands-On Activities for Ages 4-8

By The Innovation Press

Published date: 09-08-2015

Price: $ 16.79

Grade: 1, 2, 3

Subject: SCIENCE


What happens if you water plants with juice?
Where can you find bacteria in your house?
Is slug slime as strong as a glue stick?

How would your child find the answers to these questions? In The Curious Kid's Science Book, your child will learn to design his or her own science investigations to determine the answers! Children will learn to ask their own scientific questions, discover value in failed experiments, and -- most importantly -- have a blast with science. The 100+ hands-on activities in the book use household items to playfully teach important science, technolo


The Curious Kid's Science Book: 100+ Creative Hands-On Activities for Ages 4-8 is a educational Book By The Innovation Press.It helps students in grades 1, 2, 3 .

This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.


ISBN: 1943147000

ISBN(13-digit): 978-1943147007

Publisher: The Innovation Press

Published Date: 09-08-2015

Category: Education

Pages: 224

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