Common Core Curriculum: English, Grades K-5 with Online Resources

Common Core Curriculum: English, Grades K-5

Common Core Curriculum: English, Grades K-5

By John Wiley & Sons

Published date: 05-12-2014

Price: $ 27.64

Grade: 1, 2, 3

Subject: ELA


Common Core's English resources empower educators to meet the expectations of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) and build essential content knowledge for students in grades K-5. Each grade in The Wheatley Portfolio features a comprehensive, coherent sequence of thematic units that engage students in deep study of worthwhile texts and topics. Features of this book include:

Six thematic units for each grade, each centered on a curated collection of literary and informational texts
Focus standards for each unit that complement the topic and pro


Common Core Curriculum: English, Grades K-5 is a educational Book By John Wiley & Sons.It helps students in grades 1, 2, 3 .

This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.


ISBN: 1118811356

ISBN(13-digit): 978-1118811351

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published Date: 05-12-2014

Category: Education

Pages: 480

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