Count and Write Numbers 1-30 — An educational app that teaches young children counting and number writing skills in a fun and effective way. Kids can learn how to count in English and Spanish. - Lumos Educational App Store

Count and Write Numbers 1-30 — An educational app that teaches young children counting and number writing skills in a fun and effective way. Kids can learn how to count in English and Spanish.

Count and Write Numbers 1-30 — An educational app that teaches young children counting and number writing skills in a fun and effective way. Kids can learn how to count in English and Spanish. - By Angela Reed

Price - $ $0.99


★★★★★Count And Write Numbers 1-30 is an educational and interactive app, developed to assist parents, teachers and caretakers in teaching their children to successfully learn to recognize, count and write numbers from 1 to 30 in English and Spanish.Featuring:✦ Vibrant realistic objects to count.✦ Numbers that are clearly spoken as a child touches an object.✦ Objects that are di


Count and Write Numbers 1-30 — An educational app that teaches young children counting and number writing skills in a fun and effective way. Kids can learn how to count in English and Spanish. is a free educational mobile app By Angela Reed.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Count and Write Numbers 1-30 — An educational app that teaches young children counting and number writing skills in a fun and effective way. Kids can learn how to count in English and Spanish. but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Angela Reed

Software Version: 1.2

Category: Education

Release Date: 2011-07-18T18:45:10Z


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