Author's purpose in a text RL.6.6 Grade Practice Test Questions TOC | Lumos Learning

Author's purpose in a text RL.6.6 Question & Answer Key Resources Lumos Workbooks Master Course - Grade 6 English Language and Arts - June 2019

Lumos Workbooks Master Course - Grade 6 English Language and Arts - June 2019 Author's purpose in a text


If you have never read or heard the original story of "Little Red Riding Hood," then look it up on the internet before continuing.

I’d been after that wolf for a long time, but when I went into the woods that day to deliver a basket to my grandmother, I promised my mother that I wouldn’t leave the path to go wolf-hunting, even if I got a clear shot. I even spoke politely to him and did exactly as my mother asked. But when I got to Grandma’s house, I found that he had eaten her! I was determined to get revenge. Thank goodness the woodcutter came along and did my job for me. I don’t need to get into any trouble with my mother, but it really burns me up when people think I couldn’t have handled the wolf by myself!

Why does the narrator claim to have been misunderstood?

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