out West that brings you stories about interesting people
and animals.
I am Cowboy George, your host.
a ranchette is? It's a small ranch - not a lot of land, but
enough to raise a small number of animals - and this
ranchette has horses, a pig, goats, ponies, dogs, a cat,
cockatiels, a rabbit, and chickens.
Come on in, and take a look.
meet Spike, our special guest today.
As you can see, Spike is a chicken...
Spike: And no ordinary chicken, either.
here...Spike's family...
can't have chickens as children.
mother...I mean, your adopted mother... Janice, and your
father Gary, and your sister Gianina and brothers Nic,
Jon-Marco, and Zach.
Spike: I don't like Zach.
me for dinner and...
like to tease.
out to feed the animals.
When she went back into the house, she forgot to close
the back door all the way.
I nudged the door open with my beak, just enough to
squeeze through, and went into the kitchen. I don't
know where Janice was, but it was very quiet - everyone
else was sleeping. Janice had set the table with bowls of
cereal. I hopped up on the table, went right to Zach's
bowl, and started eating his cereal.
bowl was Zach's? Are you psychic or something?
his cereal - it was easy to pick up the chunks. Then I
hopped down to the floor and went to the dog's dish.
One by one, I picked up chunks of dog chow, hopped up
onto the table, and placed them in Zach's bowl. I had to
make several trips, but finally I transferred all of the
chunks. Then I went outside and waited by the back
Spike: Soon all the kids came down for breakfast. Zach
looked at his cereal and said, "Hmmm, I guess mom
bought a new kind for me to try." So he poured milk on
his cereal, took a bite, and made a face. He added some
sugar, tried another bite, and smiled. "This is pretty
good," he said. The other kids listened, but kept eating.
In my mind, I was howling with laughter - it's a good
thing chickens can't laugh out loud!
Spike: Then the dog came in, looked at his empty bowl,
and started whining. Gianina said: "I guess mom forgot
to feed the dog." So she poured some dog chow in the
dog's dish.
Zach watched her pour. "Hey" he said, "that looks like
my cereal. It can't be!" He picked up a chunk, looked at
it, smelled it, then tasted it. "Arrrgh! It's dog chow! Who
did this?"
The other children burst out laughing and started teasing
Zach. "Hey Zach, let me hear you bark!" "Hey, Zach,
don't wake me up tonight when you howl at the moon!"
"Hey, Zach, want me to take you for a walk? I'll get your
"Verrrry funny," Zach said. "I'll remember this." I was
laughing so hard, I had to hold my chest tightly with my
wing to keep it from bursting. (Have me for dinner, will
you... you've just been had by a chicken, I thought to
mean you wouldn't do that to a guest on your program,
would you?
Viewers, don't go away-we'll be right back with more of
Spike, right after this commercial!
commercial! How dare you! Get that off the air or I'm
walking out of here! That's an insult to all of us chickens!
Did Zach make you put that commercial on? That's
Spike. It was on a seven second delay - no one saw it.
like it if I made a commercial about a roasted TV Host?
What is it with these commercials? - chicken, chicken,
chicken! Last week my Uncle Henry disappeared. Maybe
that was him in the commercial. How about picking on
some other animal for a change, like lizards. Yes, a fried
lizard sandwich. We have too many lizards out here
Let's change the subject.
gold colored feathers mixed in with the black? They look
like spikes. That is how I got my name. Cool, huh?
TV Host.)
(This is a real wise guy, this Spike, thought the TV Host.)
"Birds of a feather flock together"?
I want.
times, mutter abracadabra, and...
up on the fence and scrunch my body to make it
narrower. Then I squeeze through the fence and land on
the ground on the other side.
important that I do before I get out. I'm the first animal
to wake up, and the very first thing I do is wake up all the
other animals. I don't believe in sleeping late - there is
too much to do, too much fun to have, too much life to
live! Besides... I'm hungry. So I hop up on the roof of the
goat house and I wake them all up.
are a hen, not a rooster.
we don't have a rooster, I'm it!
the animals are awake...
Spike:Hammy the pig.
You know how pigs are - they like to sleep late, so
sometimes I have to go over and peck on his tummy.
When he wakes up, of course I run away.
chasing me! Helloooo! But he gets over it as soon as his
breakfast arrives. Anyway, they all wake up hungry.
Spike: But, there was a problem - the kids were not
coming out to feed us right away. We had to wait,
sometimes for a long time. But then we figured out a way
to hustle them along.
have kids; I've tried everything, and I can't get them to
move quickly at all in the morning.
them. Yesirree, can you imagine the noise that we made?
Cock-a-doodle-do, cluck cluck, oink oink, neigh-a-a-a-a,
bleat bleat, and woof woof, all at once? What a racket! It
was enough to wake up the entire neighborhood! And
the first few times we did it, it DID wake up the entire
neighborhood! The neighbors must have called and
complained, because, from that day on, just a few
minutes after my Cock-a-doodle-do in the morning, one
of the kids always comes out to feed THEM.
with my talents would be satisfied with plain chicken
interview is over! Spike: First you run a commercial with a roast chicken,
and then you insult me!
do that...! Why are you glaring at me? Ok... CLUCK!!
Are you happy now?
Spike: One day, I followed Jon-Marco to the back door.
I watched the kids eating breakfast and, guess what? They
don't eat chicken feed. I needed to try their food... but
how? Ahhh, yes. Here's how. I stood outside the back
door, clucking continuously and staring at them while
they were eating breakfast.
I repeated this for two more days. I knew they saw me,
although they pretended they didn't. Well, on the fourth
day, they had had enough. Gianina - she's the smart one
in the bunch - guessed that I wanted some food, so she
prepared a bowl of lettuce and bread and placed it on the
ground. It tasted great! Much better than chicken
So now, every day, I go to the back door and someone
brings me cereal or bread and lettuce or potato peelings
or salad greens or dog or cat food or chocolates.
listening. One day, they brought a boiled egg. Cluck - I
mean - Yuk! It was awful! They saw me turn up my nose
- I mean my beak - at the egg and they never brought
an egg again. I guess they thought, if I laid the egg, I
would enjoy eating it. Rawwwwng!
animals - you know, make sure they are all right, not
stressed out or anything.
wide! We're on television - I'm a big star - I can't do
that! What kind of stress do you mean?
- went into labor. She was bleating pitifully - she was
in pain - and she continued for a long time. I was
worried. It was hot out there, and the family was staying
in the house. I had to get their attention!
I squeezed through the fence, ran halfway to the house,
and stood there squawking as loudly as I could. I
squawked and squawked until Janice came out to see
what the problem was. I walked toward the goat pen,
continuing to squawk, so she would follow me.
When she reached the goat pen, she saw Nanny and
realized that the goat needed help delivering her baby,
and. a few minutes later, she helped Nanny deliver a
healthy baby goat.
Hmmm... that explains why Janice picked me up, hugged
me, stroked my feathers, and carried me to the kitchen
where she gave me a special treat.
Tune in tomorrow for the rest of our interview with
Spike, the amazing chicken and her family. Bye.
your host, welcoming you once again to The Cowboy
George Show. Today we are continuing our visit to the
ranchette where an amazing chicken named Spike lives.
Oh, look - who is this coming toward us?
willing to answer some questions?
you want to know?
the horses. On really hot days, she drinks from their water
tub and stands in their shadows, where it is cooler. On
rainy days, she stands under them to keep dry. Sometimes
she eats their feed, but they don't seem to mind.
Next, she visits the pig. Then she returns to her pen to
visit the goats. And if her favorite goat looks like she is
ready to take her nap, Spike takes her nap too... on the
Look at this picture. See? I am standing on her
back and, in a minute, I will squat and begin my nap.
Won't you fall off?
too, and I gently wrap a few of her long coat hairs around
my claws. Then I take my nap. You may be a big TV star,
but you'll never have the pleasure of sleeping on a goat!
watching television. I heard the back door squeak as it
was opened, and I heard a clicking sound as something
walked across the kitchen floor. I knew at once WHAT it
was - chicken feet, and I knew at once WHO it was -
Spike. No other chicken ever comes into the house. I was
curious to see what Spike would do, so I hid behind a
corner of the couch and waited.
Spike walked into the TV room, perched on the sofa, and
appeared to be watching a TV show about animals. There
was a lady grooming her dog, then a guy showing off his
alligator. Then another guy appeared with two beautiful
He talked about how great these birds were, while they
perched on a small tree branch that he brought with him.
When he finished speaking, the birds chirped and
whistled, and one of them made a sound like a dog
barking. The audience applauded enthusiastically. Spike
threw a hissy fit. She squawked loudly and flapped her
wings until the birds disappeared from the screen. Then
Spike left the room.
on his tail... I think his name was Chauncey Prince the
Third, and this lady was grooming him.
show dog.
Alligator Man fed his alligator - this ugly scaly lizard-like
thing stuffing food into its mouth - worse than Hammy
the pig! Totally gross!
But what really annoyed me were these birds. They sat
there doing nothing most of the time; then, made some
noises, and the audience gave them this huge round of
applause! For what? If that was talent, I'm a rooster! The
things they put on TV! Terrible!
into the living room. Spike was sleeping on the horse. I
couldn't believe my eyes...
a horse in your living room? A horse?
the West, and we do love our horses, you know.
mess - your house must smell like a barn!
Jon-Marco: Oh, it's not a real horse; it's a statue. And
perched in the saddle, was Spike, fast asleep. Here - look
at this picture. Are you with me now?
but now I understand. I should have realized that this
happens all the time in our country. I'm sure most of our
viewers have at least one horse in their living rooms with
a sleeping chicken in the saddle and...
that day to see more TV, but the TV set was off. The
house was quiet, and suddenly, I felt very tired - too
tired to walk all the way outside for my usual goat nap.
Besides, I always wondered what it would feel like to sit
on a saddle. So I hopped up on the arm of the couch,
from there to a shelf, and then onto the rear end of the
horse. I walked to the saddle and sat in it. It was
VERRRY comfortable, and soon I fell asleep. Could they
let me enjoy my nap? Nooooo! I heard a noise, opened
my eyes, and there was Jon-Marco taking pictures.
whatever you call something with a beak and feathers
sitting on a horse.
(I agree with Zach - she would look better on a barbecue
grill, thought the host.)
Thank you for stopping by, Jon-Marco. We enjoyed your
host to interview rock stars or TV personalities - I'm
available. Bye.
chicken, but I'll bet even YOU aren't perfect. You must
have gotten in trouble for doing something wrong
sometime in your life.
The family left on vacation and the person who came to
feed us didn't realize that I didn't eat chicken feed. I was
hungry and didn't know what to do, so I walked around
to the front porch and smelled something really good. It
came from the cat's dish. I ate most of it.
and accidentally stepped in the cat's dish and left a claw
mark in the food. No other animal leaves a claw mark like
a chicken, so he figured it out.
food, and then ate it right away.
other some claw prints.
there was a tile man spreading this gray gooey stuff and
carefully placing some tiles in it. I had never seen this
before, so I came closer to watch. When he saw me, he
waved his arms and yelled to shoo me away. It
worked...or so he thought. He should have realized with
WHOM he was dealing!
Anyway I came back after he left, walked across the porch
on the tiles, and then I stepped in the gray stuff. My foot
sank in; it felt cool, and when I removed my foot, guess
what? There was a perfect claw mark, a true work of art,
so I made some more claw prints. They will stay there
forever as proof that Spike was there.
me, grabbed me, and carried me to the front porch. He
held my head down close to the claw prints, so I could
see them. Then he stood and pointed his finger at my
face, and said in a loud voice, "Bad chicken! Bad chicken!
Bad chicken!" The kids heard this and came running to
the front door; and when they figured out what I had
done, they started laughing hysterically and yelling "Bad
Then Gary realized how funny he looked yelling at a
chicken and he started laughing too, and let me go. But,
I'll tell you - if I had the chance, I would do it again!
told us about each member of your adopted family except
for Nic. Anything you want to tell us about Nic?
handles me gently. He has an egg business, you know -
I think he supports the whole family - and every day,
he comes to collect our eggs, and everyday, I have one for
him. Oh, look - there he goes now to make his
He makes a big fuss over my eggs because they are
turquoise. I heard him tell Janice that mine are more
only one who knows how to put me to sleep. I love it.
Hmmm...let me guess. You put on soft music, feed it
milk and cookies, and sing to it.
televis...oops, you already are.
Anyway, he tucks my head gently under my wing, folds
the wing over my head, and gently rocks me back and
forth, and, before you know it, I am feeling drowsy, and
then I fall asleep. It's awesome!
interviews I have ever conducted on The Cowboy
George Show. Thank you for allowing me to interview
you, and I wish you the best of cluck - er - luck.
chicken commercial.
we will interview a little red boat about its journey down
a Maine river. This is Cowboy George signing off.