Missouri MAP Guide : Free Online Guide, Information, Tips, Practice Tests and Strategies – 2018-19

This page provides MO-MAP Worksheets, Practice tests, Testing window, Testing times and answers Frequently Asked Questions by Teachers, Parents and Students.


Missouri MAP sessions
  • ELA Grades 3, 5, 6, 7 : 3 sessions
  • ELA Grades 4, 8 : 4 sessions
  • Math Grades 3-8 : 3 sessions each
  • Missouri MAP testing window April 1 to May 24, 2019
    What is the assessment conducted at the end of the year in Missouri State called?
    When did Missouri incorporate MAP as a form of the end of the year assessment?
    What is the Missouri MAP assessment schedule for 2019?
    How many sessions are there for each Missouri MAP test?
    What is the duration of Missouri MAP test?
    What are the question types in Missouri MAP test?
    How are the performance levels assessed in Missouri MAP?
    What is the calculator policy for Missouri MAP test?
    How will StepUp® help my child prepare for Missouri MAP test?
    Are there any printable worksheets to help with Missouri MAP practice?

    What is the assessment conducted at the end of the year in Missouri State called?

    The assessment conducted at the end of the year in Missouri State is called MAP.

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    When did Missouri incorporate MAP as a form of the end of the year assessment?

    Originally, Missouri MAP was designed to be a grade-span test: Grades 3,7,and 11 in Communication Arts ,Grades 4, 8, and 10 in Mathematics, and Grades 3,7,and 10 in Science.
    The 2014-2015 school year was another time of transition for the Missouri Assessment Program. Grade-Level assessments in English language arts and mathematics at grades 3-8 and science in grades 5 and 8 were administered fully online for the first time.

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    What is the Missouri MAP assessment schedule for 2019?

    The test window for Missouri MAP for the year 2018-19 is between April 1, 2019 to May 24, 2019 and for 2019-2020, it is between March 30, 2020 to May 22, 2020.

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    How many sessions are there for each Missouri MAP test?

    Missouri MAP English Language Arts (ELA)

  • Grades 3, 5 and 6, 7 – 3 sessions

  • Grades 4 and 8 – 4 sessions

  • Missouri MAP Math

  • Grades 3 to 8 – 3 sessions

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    What is the duration of Missouri MAP test?

    The duration of the Missouri MAP test is as follows:

    English Language Arts (ELA):

    For Grade 3:
    Session 1: 45 – 105 minutes
    Session 2: 25 – 55 minutes
    Session 3: 15 – 35 minutes

    For Grade 4:
    Session 1: 100 – 130 minutes
    Session 2: 40 – 90 minutes
    Session 3: 15 – 40 minutes
    Session 4: 15 – 35 minutes

    For Grade 5:
    Session 1: 45 – 95 minutes
    Session 2: 25 – 50 minutes
    Session 3: 15 – 35 minutes

    For Grade 6:
    Session 1: 40 – 95 minutes
    Session 2: 20 – 40 minutes
    Session 3: 15 – 30 minutes

    For Grade 7:
    Session 1: 40 – 80 minutes
    Session 2: 20 – 50 minutes
    Session 3: 15 – 25 minutes

    For Grade 8:
    Session 1: 100 – 130 minutes
    Session 2: 35 – 75 minutes
    Session 3: 15 – 30 minutes
    Session 4: 15 – 25 minutes


    For Grade 3 and 4:
    Session 1: 30 to 55 minutes
    Session 2: 30 to 55 minutes
    Session 3: 15 to 30 minutes

    For Grade 5:
    Session 1: 35 to 60 minutes
    Session 2: 35 to 60 minutes
    Session 3: 15 to 30 minutes

    For Grade 6:
    Session 1: 15 to 25 minutes
    Session 2: 45 to 70 minutes
    Session 3: 30 to 40 minutes

    For Grade 7:
    Session 1: 20 – 30 minutes
    Session 2: 40 – 65 minutes
    Session 3: 30 – 40 minutes

    For Grade 8:
    Session 1: 15 – 25 minutes
    Session 2: 45 – 70 minutes
    Session 3: 30 – 40 minutes

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    What are the question types in Missouri MAP test?

    The question types in Missouri MAP Test include:

  • Selected Response (also known as multiple choice) items are composed of a question followed by a series of possible responses. Students must select the correct response or responses.
  • Technology Enhanced items make use of technology in the presentation of the item, the ways in which students respond, or both. TECR Questions include EBSR, Hot text, Table fill in, drop down equation, Multiple choice multiple answers, matching tables, numeric etc
  • Constructed Response or Short Text items require students to supply an appropriate response rather than making a selection from a list of choices.
  • Performance Tasks/Events allow students to work through more complicated items using real-world scenarios.

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    How are the performance levels assessed in Missouri MAP?

    The performance levels for Missouri MAP are:

  • Advanced (highest level): Students demonstrate in-depth understanding of all concepts and apply that knowledge in complex ways.
  • Proficient: This, along with the Advanced level, is the desired achievement level that Missouri has set for all students. Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills called for by the Standards.
  • Basic: Students understand many key concepts, although their application of that knowledge is limited. Students are beginning to use their knowledge of simple concepts to solve basic problems, but they still make many errors.
  • Below Basic (lowest level): Students are substantially behind in terms of meeting the Standards. They demonstrate a minimal understanding of fundamental concepts and little ability to apply that knowledge.

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    What is the calculator policy for Missouri MAP test?

    The calculator policy for Missouri MAP test is as follows:

  • Calculators are allowed only for Session 2 and 3 – Grade 6 to 8
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    How will StepUp® help my child prepare for Missouri MAP test?

    The Lumos StepUp® provides:
    (a) Online access to TWO Full-length Missouri MAP Practice Tests.
    (b) Workbooks to practice 30+ Math and 40+ ELA skills.
    (c) Access to parent and student portals.
    (d) Access to Teacher portal.
    (e) Easy-to-use, advanced and real-time reports to help you identify areas of weakness and tailor personalized learning plans for your student.
    (f) Student-centric approach, combined with instant feedback boosts student confidence and improves learning outcomes.
    (g) StepUp® program can be accessed through a number of devices that include, PC, tablet and smartphones and it is available 24×7. This convenience helps enabling anywhere learning.

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    Are there any printable worksheets to help with Missouri MAP practice?

    Yes, Lumos Learning provide a number of free printable worksheets to help students experience sample questions in the printed format.
    Click here

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    2nd Grade MAP Practice Tests


    Grade 2

    Grade 3

    3rd Grade MAP Practice Tests


    4th Grade MAP Practice Tests


    Grade 4

    Grade 5

    5th Grade MAP Practice Tests


    6th Grade MAP Practice Tests


    Grade 6

    Grade 7

    7th Grade MAP Practice Tests


    8th Grade MAP Practice Tests


    Grade 8

    High School Math End of Course Test Practice

    High School ELA End of Course Test Practice

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