Free Reading Fluency Analyzer

This page helps you become a fluent reader. Students can easily check their reading accuracy, speed and expression by reading The Shepherd's Boy. The Lumos Reading Fluency analyzer automatically analyzes student read audio and provides insightful reports to help students become fluent readers. Try it now!


    The Shepherd's Boy

    There was once a young Shepherd's Boy who tended his sheep all day, at the foot of a mountain which was near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought of a plan by which he could get a little company as well as some excitement.

    He rushed down toward the village calling out "Wolf, 'Wolf,". All of the villagers came out to meet him. Some of the villagers stopped with him for a long time to make sure the wolf wasn't going to return.

    This pleased the boy so much. He loved the company. He loved the fact that everyone cared for him enough to spend time with him when they thought he was in danger.

    Then a few days later he tried the same trick, and again the villagers came to his help.

    He repeated this every day for the next week. Each day the villagers came to protect the boy. Each day they believed the boy less and less.

    But shortly after this a wolf did come out from the forest and began to scare the sheep and the boy, and the boy, of course, cried out "Wolf, Wolf," louder than before. However, this time the villagers who had been fooled many times before, thought the boy was again lying to them, and this time nobody bothered to come to his help.

    So the Wolf made a good meal off the boy's sheep, and when the boy complained, the wise man of the village said:


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