Free Reading Fluency Analyzer

This page helps you become a fluent reader. Students can easily check their reading accuracy, speed and expression by reading Passage - Clint is considering. The Lumos Reading Fluency analyzer automatically analyzes student read audio and provides insightful reports to help students become fluent readers. Try it now!


    Passage - Clint is considering

    Clint is considering investing his money in a savings account that will earn interest. He has $10,000 to invest. The savings account he is looking at will earn between 3 and 5% interest on the previous year's balance for each year that he leaves the money in savings.

    Clint calculates the range of interest he would earn after the first year. He adds that amount as his interest earned for each following year. Clint thinks that:

    • after two years of leaving his money in savings he will have between $10,600 and $11,000
    • after three years he will have between $10,900 and $11,500

    Please record your audio and wait some time....

    Please record your audio and wait some time....

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