Free Reading Fluency Analyzer

This page helps you become a fluent reader. Students can easily check their reading accuracy, speed and expression by reading SNOW IN TOWN By Rickman Mark. The Lumos Reading Fluency analyzer automatically analyzes student read audio and provides insightful reports to help students become fluent readers. Try it now!


    SNOW IN TOWN By Rickman Mark

    (1) Nothing is quite so quiet and clean
    As snow that falls in the night;
    And is n't it jolly to jump from bed
    And find the whole world white?
    (2) It lies on the window ledges,
    It lies on the boughs of the trees,
    While sparrows crowd at the kitchen door,
    With a pitiful "If you please?"
    (3) It lies on the arm of the lamp-post,
    Where the lighter's ladder goes,
    And the policeman under it beats his arms,
    And stamps-to feel his toes;
    (4) The butcher's boy is rolling a ball
    To throw at the man with coals,
    And old Mrs. Ingram has fastened a piece
    Of flannel under her soles;
    (5) No sound there is in the snowy road
    From the horses' cautious feet,
    And all is hushed but the postman's knocks
    Rat-tatting down the street,
    (6) Till men come round with shovels
    To clear the snow away,-
    What a pity it is that when it falls
    They never let it stay!
    (7) And while we are having breakfast
    Papa says, "Isn't it light?
    And all because of the thousands of geese
    The Old Woman plucked last night.
    (8) "And if you are good," he tells us,
    "And attend to your A B C,
    You may go in the garden and make a snow man
    As big or bigger than me."

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