Free Reading Fluency Analyzer

This page helps you become a fluent reader. Students can easily check their reading accuracy, speed and expression by reading Summer by Carla Gajewskey. The Lumos Reading Fluency analyzer automatically analyzes student read audio and provides insightful reports to help students become fluent readers. Try it now!


    Summer by Carla Gajewskey

    Read "Summer" and answer the questions that follow.

    1. What is summer?
    2. Is it fresh cut green grass that tickles your toes?
    3. Is it hours in the pool that wrinkles your hands?
    4. Is it the sound of crickets that sing you a lullaby?
    5. Could it be trips to the beach where the foamy sea grabs at your feet?
    6. Maybe it is hiking trips where you reach the top of the tallest mountain and feel the wind play with your hair?
    7. Is it the song from your little brother that cries, "Are we there yet," from the back seat on long road trips?
    8. Is it the BOOM of fireworks on the fourth of July?
    9. Could summer be picking blue berries or shelling peas?
    10. Is summer, camping trips under the starry sky, or just a weekend at your grandma's house?
    11. Is it running through the water sprinkler or jumping off of the diving board?
    12. Is summer riding your bike all day, or just sleeping all day?
    13. Well, yes, but summer is that and more.
    14. It is cookouts, apple pies, lemonade, snow cones, roller coasters, camp-outs, fishing, long days, and the smell of sunscreen all through the air.
    15. Summer is a time where your imagination comes to life.
    16. Summer is magical!

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