Free Reading Fluency Analyzer

This page helps you become a fluent reader. Students can easily check their reading accuracy, speed and expression by reading ANSWER TO A CHILD'S QUESTION. The Lumos Reading Fluency analyzer automatically analyzes student read audio and provides insightful reports to help students become fluent readers. Try it now!



    Do you ask what the birds say? The sparrow, the dove,
    The linner and thrush say, "I love and I love!"
    In the winter they're silent-the wind is so strong;
    What it says, I don't know, but it sings a loud song.

    But green leaves, and blossoms, and sunny warm weather,
    And singing, and loving-all come back together.
    But the lark is so brimful of gladness and love,
    The green fields below him, the blue sky above,
    That he sings, and he sings; and for ever sings he-

    "I love my Love, and my Love loves me!"

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    Please record your audio and wait some time....

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