Lumos Learning Coherence Maps Identify the Root of Learning Gaps

Teachers rely on planning as one of the most vital pre-teaching tools. Most schools and districts have a set curriculum guide in place to use in their first stage of planning. Pacing charts are also essential to help a teacher schedule blocks of time to teach, practice and assess the state specific standards.

Once the curriculum is in place, it is necessary for the educator to determine the levels of prior learning for the class and individual students.

Coherence Maps give teachers the ability to look back at standards that students should have mastered in the previous grade or course prior to on-grade level instruction. The map also shows the teacher the required objectives for the current level and gives insight to the next level of learning.

Lumos Learning has incorporated these three levels of learning in their data collection and reporting.

In Lumos Learning, the Coherence Map may be viewed in the Teacher Portal and EdSearch.

The link below shows an example of a Lumos Learning Coherence Map:

The Coherence Map shows the relationships among the Common Core Standards. The Lumos coherence map not only provides graphical representation and convenient navigation within the standards’ map but also access to thousands of engaging learning resources such as Practice questions, Videos, Books and Infographics related to every standard. It helps educators and students visually explore the learning standards. It’s an effective tool to helps students progress through the learning standards. Teachers can use this tool to develop their own pacing charts and lesson plans.

The standard map provides information related to previous level, the next level, and similar standards. The direct link symbol is used to represent previous, and next level (DIRECT LINK) whereas similar standards are represented using a dotted line (NON_DIRECTIONAL LINK). You can also find information about Math and English Language Arts standards based on keywords of your interest using the search box provided.

The Coherence Map is a tool that assists educators to identify the links between standards, pinpoint gaps in student knowledge and direct future instruction. In this manner, students can draw on previously learned standards while focusing on the new content taught. The visual allows educators to gain a better understanding of the full picture of scaffolded learning. Lumos Learning Coherence Maps affords teachers additional resources to accomplish the learning cycle.

Whether the instructor is a novice or experienced teacher, the information is beneficial in all educational settings.

Bonnie McRae

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