Download free podcast by Bonnie McRae on Lumos Learning provides access to thousands of passages in grade 3-12 ELA
A new feature from Lumos Learning is the link to over a thousand reading passages in grades 3-12 ELA to add to a teacher’s resource kit. The link includes a broad genre of reading selections. Passages can be found on literature, poetry, short stories, informational text, fiction, speeches, myths, documents, fables, biographies, autobiographies, fantasy, satire, and more. Authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Mahatma Gandhi are among those whose works are available on the link.
Teachers can filter the selections by topic and grade level. Once a selection is chosen, the passage will appear along with details. These details include not only the rating, category, number of words, number of unique (challenging) words, number of sentences, approximate reading time, but the number of each part of speech found within the text, as well. By doing so, Lumos affords the teacher an opportunity to pinpoint and focus his/her teaching toward what curriculum he/she needs to expose the students to in the class.
Along the bottom of the page additional passages will appear for further lesson topics. The additional topics will include the Lexile reading levels for students at that grade level. Many states and districts require reading to have the appropriate Lexile level for students’ lessons. These levels will allow teachers to know which additional selections are on level to which students and assign accordingly. Popular passages are also listed for teacher review.
This new feature in Lumos Learning allows teachers access to create additional reading selections and passages to use in their lessons. Teachers can print these selections and in related passages, assign them to stickies for students to practice.
Research has shown that students are more likely to succeed and retain knowledge if they are given multiple selections relevant to their learning and grade level. Exposure to classics and a variety of literary texts broadens a student’s understanding of content read. Lumos Learning has opened new doors for teachers to increase their ability to obtain greater success for their students.