Disciplinary Literacy (Common Core Application)

In Denver high schools, students are being asked to learn new scientific vocabulary and concepts and additionally offered Spanish/English cognates, root words, and a system for translating new words and worksheets on scientific content.

This is one case of how schools, regions, and states are progressively forming what happens in science and social studies classes around the Common Core State Standards for proficiency in social studies, history, science, and technical subjects. These lesser-known standards, tucked in the back of the English/language expressions area of the common core, aim to instruct students to peruse, compose, and break down content like a history specialist, a researcher, or some other disciplinary master.
“All teachers have also been told to include reading and writing in their disciplines,” said Bridgett Bird, the senior manager of content literacy for the 90,000-student Denver public school system.

The common core standards incorporate ten gauges for subject-specific education in history and social studies, and ten in science and technical subjects for students in grades 6-12. Every set includes skills and practices connected with the particular discipline.
The history standards, for example, allude to primary and secondary sources and request that students have the capacity to recognize the differences between “fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment” in a text.
In science, in any case, students are requested that have the capacity to coordinate quantitative or technical information communicated in words in a content expressed visually.

Disciplinary literacy isn’t intended to be a way to ask content-area teachers to shoulder part of an English teacher’s load by assigning writing or readings in class, Shanahan said; it’s teaching students to read, write, and think like experts in a given field. This idea has been accepted by school boards and teachers who are focused on getting students ready for college and professions. It has additionally sunk well with schools planning to spread the task of teaching literacy among more teachers in a school. The state of Wisconsin, for one, has embraced the possibility of disciplinary literacy all subjects.

In Springfield, Mass., Sara Macon, an English/language arts master teacher at Forest Park Middle School, said that her school’s literacy department had started to focus on literacy in all subject areas last school year.
Both the Next Generation Science Standards and the College, Career, and Civic Readiness Framework, which was created to guide social-studies-standards writers, draw connections to the common-core literacy standards’ aims. Several surveys have proved that many available textbooks aren’t fully aligned to the common core in reading and math. In science and history, it’s even harder to find materials that are explicitly aligned to the literacy standards, according to Michael Manderino.

Many teachers also have literacy goals as part of their performance plans, so the lessons are presented as a way to help them meet those goals.
While the Literacy Design Collaborative allows teachers to make their inputs, some teachers were provided with samples to help them manage teaching literacy together with all the other initiatives they have going on.

Based on: http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2016/11/02/common-core-teach-literacy-in-every-subject.html?r=781921036


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