With more students owning mobile devices, and with recent statistics reporting that a high percentage of elementary students and middle school students want to use mobile devices more in the classroom, now might be the best time to add education apps as a regular part of school work.
Step 1: Identify What Kind of App You’d Like to Use
Do you have the desire to provide easier and more accessible communication with her students? Do you want to be able to remind students of assignments and due dates as well? Are you looking for a place to store class data and learning resources? Do you want a quicker way to update parents on their kid’s progress in school? There are quite some things you may want as a teacher to reduce your workload and to save time. The key is to identify them. Another way to figure out where an app might be helpful is by asking your students for their opinions. Pose the question to them and allow time for honest answers from them.
Step 2: Find a Quality App and Test It
Once educators have decided what they want in an app, they are likely to get overwhelmed by the many app choices available. Reading teacher reviews and sample uses on some common sites help. Teachers can also look out for testimonials on some product websites as well as consult their fellow teachers for their opinions on certain apps.
Once the right app has been found, one more thing will be required to be done before introducing it to students, and that is to “Test it”. Educators should play through the app and think about how their students will use it and misuse it.
Step 3: Make Sure the App Connects with Your Lessons
The most important step of all for educators is choosing technology that supports their teaching and their curricula. The apps must not be used just randomly. They must be related to topics and school assessments. The students must also be able to use them effectively both at school and at home for assignments if necessary.
Based on: http://www.edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2016/11/implementing-app-classroom-3-steps